Prospective Cal Poly SLO Student Applicant Questions

Parent of a sophomore here, so we have time. We’re new to CA so still learning about the public higher ed offerings and admission requirements.

Does CalPoly have any insight into in-state middle school offerings - do you report anywhere on the application where you attended middle school? On a link provided somewhere above, DS is at a “feeder” HS if that’s worth anything. However, it’s private. So students come from different middle schools with wildly different offerings. My DS will not have the five years of recommended math as his public middle school didn’t offer anything higher than 8th grade math during the pandemic. He took Algebra 1 as a HS freshman. His HS does not allow any college courses to be taken for credit. When it states on their website 7th/8th grade coursework “if applicable”, would they have insight on the application to know if it’s not applicable i.e. not offered at all?

Applicable math a language middle school courses are those that generally are considered high school level. That would be the first year or more of a language sequence, and math of Algebra I or higher.


This is how you enter in the 7th/8th grade courses such as Math/Foreign Language on the CSU application. The middle school is not identified, only the HS.

Middle School Courses
If you took mathematics or foreign language courses in 7th and 8th grade to fulfill A-G requirements, select the appropriate grade level (e.g. 7th grade, 8th grade). Then, enter your first high school attended in 9th grade and your 9th grade academic year.

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Although the HS may not allow College courses to be taken for credit, he can still take a CSU transferable College Math course which would be reported separately on the College section of the CSU application and a separate transcript sent.

Will his HS allow him to take a Math course during the summer so he can get ahead their normal Math progression and have 5 years to report?


Thanks for your post and copied info re: middle school courses above. Very helpful :slight_smile:

No, his HS doesn’t allow any summer courses to advance in the math progression. Assuming he still maintains his high grades in math, his highest offerings during Senior year will either be grade level Calculus or AP Stats. He plans to take the 4th year of math (whatever that may be) even though the CSU’s and UC’s require 3 years as we’ve been advised by others.

I didn’t know about the CSU transferable classes - we will definitely look into that.

I don’t know much, if anything about CalPoly, but know a lot of students from his HS attend. In the Bay Area, I run into lots of CalPoly grads as well. Its location and teaching style are wins wins in my book so I’m trying to best understand their admissions criteria.

Grade level Calculus will get him all the rigor points he can get, assuming the algorithm hasn’t changed in that regard since 2013.

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