Middlebury College Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

What supplement? I thought Midd didn’t have any.

Arts – theatre monologue, violin performance and music composition

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I see. Thank you for clarifying.

DD22 waitlisted. Sigh.

I have to say that Middlebury knew the least about her. No supplemental questions. She couldn’t submit her technical Theatre arts supplement. Couldn’t get an interview in RD.

(I’m still surprised that both Williams and Middlebury just weren’t interested in more information in the form of supplemental questions. But I guess if you get record numbers of apps, why ask for more work? Brown still has three supplemental, arts supplements, research paper, and an interview and/or video submission. Guess we’ll see if that makes a difference?)

D’s profile: GPA 4.0/4.9 W, SAT 1580 (800 on math), AP Class 12 total (5 on all taken so far, except 3 on French), extracurricular Above average, all related to her major, comp sci / CyberPatriot (computer science competition team) president at her all-girls school, Submitted arts supplement for technical theatre (She’s head of technical theatre and stage management)

She was deferred Williams ED, then denied. Been accepted to WashU, Lafayette (Marquis merit Scholar), University of Rochester (Dean’s Scholarship), and Trinity. Still waiting on Brown, Vassar, and Wesleyan University.

Congrats to all accepted - and hugs to those who didn’t get the news they wanted. We were there last weekend and today!


Do you know when Wesleyan is releasing admissions decisions? They are the only one left for which we don’t know a date?

Same here for S22! Admitted as a Feb and trying to figure out the logistics.

I’m stumped why your daughter was waitlisted at Midd! It sounds like she has some amazing options elsewhere though! Congratulations!
I agree with you that the lack of supplements at some of the schools can affect some of the applicants’ candidacy. S22 was rejected outright at both Williams and Colby- I’m convinced the lack of supplemental questions hurt him. For Williams, he submitted the optional graded paper, but honestly didn’t really have a great sample to choose from. Essentially, the graded paper told them virtually nothing about him since it was just a response to an English teacher’s prompt. It isn’t his fault that none of his teachers assigned a prompt that would have been appropriate to present as a sample to the #1 ranked LAC in the country. I wish they would come up with their own supplemental questions to give the students a chance to show who they really are.


Though some might argue that having additional essays might have kept the numbers more under control. We have a friend who last minute panicked applied to Williams and Wesleyan. Their actual list did not include a single NESCAC and nothing nearly as small or rural. Those schools don’t even have the intended major I believe.

I agree with you that the lack of supplements hurts students like your DD (and mine).

I am curious if she interviewed at Middlebury (or anyone for that matter)? We received an email saying we “may be contacted” for an interview shortly after submitting the application, but nothing after.

This system is so broken… After riding this roller coaster all of this month I came to the conclusion that if schools cared about the wellbeing of these kids they would either accept or deny in ED just like they do in RD. UVA deferred 4000+ kids and offered admissions to 83 of them. @scattermomgram I have been following your story in the Williams thread and was concerned that your recent silence was not good news. I am so terribly sorry your daughter had her heart broken twice. A rejection in ED is so much kinder. At least it allows the kids to move on and fall in love with another school, maybe ED2 somewhere else if they want.

These are some great acceptances (I know from experience that is small comfort while they are in the thick of it) and she should be proud of herself. WashU in particular should validate what an awesome kid she is and they have such an amazing program in her area of interest. If I remember correctly she considered that as an ED2 option. I am cheering for her to receive some more good news in the coming days.


Wesleyan just released an hour ago, best of luck!

Scattergram, I remember your D’s story from Williams ED. We were in the same place. My son had his heart absolutely set on Williams. Deferred, then WL this time around. His stats were just like your daughter’s. The sting of getting snubbed twice hurt.

I thought for sure your daughter would get in RD round at Williams and Midd. I’m so sorry for her. We had better luck (and I believe at this point it is luck once you pass the bar for grades/scores) at Bowdoin and Middlebury. He’s very happy, and we are incredibly relieved as parents. I’m glad your D has other great offers. She deserves to feel valued and celebrated for her hard work and dedication. The real shame of this system would be if a kid like yours felt “less than” as a result of all of this, when of course nothing could be further than the truth.


S22 admitted for fall. Had an interview.


My son chose Feb–he’s thrilled about it. Midd seems to create a great space for them.
They have a lot of ideas for the “febmester!” Febmester Resources | Middlebury College


I mentioned above my son was admitted for fall. He never got an interview. He even asked again for one when he updated his application and still silence. So, anyone reading this next year please know that the absence of an interview doesn’t mean you won’t get in.


Thank you for all the thoughtful responses above. We are just fairly stumped and can only ride the rollercoaster, but it’s nearing the end here and the last ones were long shots.

I think it’s worse that we just went though this with her older sister in a much friendlier landscape. The 2020 admits in my older daughter’s class would never happen this year. (DD20 was accepted ED to Davidson and is gloriously happy, double majoring in psych and English.) And the memory is so recent. These were 13-15% overall, and 20-30% in early rounds. Now they are where the Ivys where then. The fact that we just went through it so recently - and this is so drastically different - makes it so emotionally difficult on that younger child.

I do think that there is something to these liberal arts schools thinking an accomplished Comp Sci / STEM student would go elsewhere, so for yield, they don’t want to offer a spot. The shame is that she feels like she’s going to have grad school anyway, so she really wanted the LA undergrad. (She got waitlisted at Wesleyan University today too which absolutely surprises me - even had fam that went. I think maybe they just didn’t think she’d go?)

We’re continuing to go with the “Love the college that loves you” philosophy with her. She has options and will be fine. It’s just that some that were such a nice fit for her particular quirks are off the table, and that’s more the issue than academics.

Anyway, it is what it is. I know we’re got good company out there. Heartfelt congrats to all the accepted students - and best wishes to everyone out there sorting it all out!


Do that but doble down on the WL if she is serious about one. They will move. Our GC said schools are being extra conservative to avoid last years over enrollment. They will advocate but only for a student that is certain they will take the spot if offered. Maybe yours will do the same?

Same for my DD. Accepted and no interview.

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OK, I think we connected earlier on the theatre thing. Mine also waitlisted and similar stats to yours, swap some APs for specialized magnet classes (like Complex Analysis and Quantum Physics). Pro theatre, national/state/regional awards, sports capt, classical violinist and composer, club pres, NMF. I thought she would be really attractive to Williams and Midd given all her crossover, but rejected at Williams and WL at Midd despite the Dept Chair connection (above). She has done better at schools that have a “WHy XX” component, and I am wondering why these don’t do that. I also wondering if the STEM thing makes them cautious about yield. Lots of kids in our magnet in the past have used top LACs as fallbacks, so maybe they are wary of people from the program? I don’t know.

Looks like yours has some great acceptances, and mine too. We are also waiting on Brown and Vassar, got into Wes. Would be nice if our STEM/theatre kids could work together!

All the best!

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I won’t list all of my son’s stats - but I’ll just say that they were basically as good as you can get.

I’m a high school teacher and know that he ranks at the top of the top.

That said - we’re 0 for 5 with the NESCAC schools with him (My oldest is at Bowdoin) and just waiting on Tufts. (BTW - rejected and waitlisted are essentially the same thing as far as I can tell.)

This year was unreal with college apps. Add to that the world environment of the past couple years and adjustments these schools are making to that environment in many ways that make it even harder for kids to get in who would have easily gotten in 5-10 years ago. The aid these schools give is outstanding and the word is out! :slight_smile:

And I think that the NESCACs have crossed a line into Harvard/Yale territory. Getting in is going to be as close to a miracle as one can experience on earth! :slight_smile:

My son has gotten into some other very good schools where I think he will be more than fine.

I guess the consolation for these kids who’ve worked so hard but didn’t make it in is that they have a lot of company. Good people who work hard will always find success.


Make that 0-6 with NESCACS.
He’s gotten into other excellent schools, so he’s taking it well.


Does anyone know if Middlebury is having an admitted students day?

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