Midyear Report for ED Matriculants?

<p>Do matriculants accepted during Early Decision have to submit a Midyear Report to Penn? What exactly do I send them? Thanks.</p>

<p>Yes, we are required to send Penn a mid-year report. There is a form on the Common Application for that purpose, but my school uses their own version of the mid-year report which includes a copy of mid-year grades.</p>

<p>Yeah your counselor should take care of it.</p>

<p>im sending in that form from the common app but im waiting until monday b/c thats when grades come out.
the counselor fills it out but i feel more comfortable sending it in myself</p>

<p>i think theres stuff on there that the counselor HAS to fill out, so it’s not something u can fill out completely on ur own. I think?</p>

<p>i just printed mine out today, going to give it to my counselor sometime this week… is there a due date on when the mid-year report has to be in?</p>