Midyear Report Question with 0-100 Grading Scale

My school uses the 0-100 grading scale and just provides weighted GPAs. From freshman to junior year, I only got As, and my average was 99, with a 35 on the ACT. First quarter of senior year, I got my first B, which was an 88 in AP Physics 1. Now, the second quarter is ending in a week, and I will get an 89 (another B) in AP Calculus BC. I’ll probably get around the same grade in physics again or possibly slightly lower. I’m only taking 3 APs this year (the limit at my school) so how bad will it look on the midyear report that 2 of these are Bs? Letter grades are not on our report cards (but we consider 90-100 an A), so will they treat an 89 differently than they would a B+?

I didn’t apply as a physics or math major anywhere, mostly applying as a history or psychology major. Last year I took APUSH, APAH, and AP Bio and got all As and 5s. How do you think this will affect my chances of admissions at a wide range of schools?

Likely won’t at most.

Also forgot to mention I applied to some Ivies/T20s, matches, and safeties

You’ll never know why you get on or turned down somewhere so as long as you have safeties, you have nothing to worry about.

Kids with straight As get rejected at many top schools. Kids without straight As get into top schools.

You won’t know why you get in or not but if you applied to a broad swath of schools like you say then you’ll have no issues.

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Also curious if anyone knows if when colleges see numbered grades (as in a 88), if they consider them on this scale or if they convert them to letters.

Likely convert so they can equalize students.

You act like getting a B is a crime.


Hello everyone one! I know that the whole process is unpredictable and there is not just black or white.
But, what do you think about maths? Does Harvard give a lot of attention to that certain grade? I don’t intend to study a degree on maths and all my highschool scores are 9/10 or 10/10 except for maths. I am an international student from Spain. Last year was really hard because of a job I had in order to sustain my family and I got very lost in the subject so I ended up with a 7/10. This year I am starting to get better but again, in the first exams related to last years concepts, I ended up with another 7. I explained my circumstances in the additional information section but I am still worried that grade is going to reflect on a very negative way. Until last year,in 9th and 10th grade I got all 9 and 10 in maths though so… I really aporeciate for you to give an opinion on it.

They will treat an 89 like it’s an 89. When the school did your initial review they looked at your transcript and your school profile. How was your rigor compared to other students, where does the 99 average place you? number 1, top 5%…

Now they look at your update and they might see a slight drop (but still good grades). Then they might say that’s great that even though she is a history major she challenged herself by taking both CALC BC and AP Physics! First semester senior grades are really important, for students that are sitting in the maybe pile for final review it’s that last big piece of information AOs have to help them make the choice of where to put you. You never know what effect it had if any and you can’t do anything about it now. But I think in your case it’s a non-factor in either direction.


This is an important part. Harvard only enrolls about 2 new students per year from Spain.