Might Apply to Y

<p>Ok using the commapp. I might do RD at yale...incredibly unsure still. Anyways, if I don't have yale on the commapp when i submit my other applications, I can then add it after with a different personal statement? I'm going risky for yale (an essay on poop) but I want a safer (yet still very creative and already written) topic for my other schools. I can do this right?</p>

<p>send the yale one in by paper then. and do the rest online. writing about poop? that's sexy.</p>

<p>You could just submit for all the other schools, then change the essay to the poop one and send it in to Yale to not risk sending the wrong essays everywhere.</p>

<p>Poop? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. this may be fun to read.</p>

<p>or an absolute regect!</p>

<p>Someone made millions selling the pet rock, so anything is possible. If you get into Yale writing an essay on poop (different kinds of poop maybe? poop is a very broad topic, you might want to narrow it down to one type of poop) I will help you move!</p>

<p>please post the essay or pm it to me if you get accepted with an essay on poop. Good Luck</p>

<p>^^^^Maybe your screen name could be the title of her essay!</p>

<p>is the essay like about poop or about one time that you pooped and it hurt or maybe was really green or smelly but yeah u should consider these options</p>

<p>or the essay might turned out to be a total poop! :)</p>

<p>holy crap. (no pun intended) i was eating when i read this thread</p>

<p>The essay is comparing me to poop. How we're alike. :D And that's what I meant about taking off the other schools before I apply to Yale, I just didn't say it very eloquently so thanks!</p>

<p>make sure you use the s word. It makes your essay look big, strong, and sexxay. poop just makes it sound childish</p>

<p>no you should only refer to it as "droppin a deuce" as we all know adcoms view that as the only acceptable term for what you speak of. People on College Confidential are insane (myself included).</p>