<p>This is a bit long. If you don't feel like reading all this, just skip down to the bottom where it says "The Problem" in bold :).</p>
<p><em>NOTE</em>: for juniors interested in applying, the website is usc.edu/rhs
Who knows, we might end up being buddies if both accepted :).</p>
<p>Earlier in the fall, I got a brochure and call from USC saying that they were "impressed" with my academic record and PSAT score and invited me to apply a year early for the Resident Honors program, which is basically an early entrance opportunity. </p>
<p>I am currently a junior, and being accepted would mean that I would attend USC without graduating high school and without senior year. </p>
Asian-american from a good high school in the Northeast. School has an average SAT of ~2000, all average SAT II scores are above 700.
I have a 3.3 unweighted and am in the top decile. </p>
<p>I believe that I have a solid extracurricular record with several leadership positions. I don't have pages upon pages of ECs, but have several that I am committed and passionate about. </p>
<p>I also have two different documented learning disabilities, but I feel that the fact that I can still maintain decent grades is an attestation to my work ethic and independence (I don't consider B's, especially in hard classes, to be bad!). </p>
<p>Can get decent teacher recommendations, but probably not amazingly fantastic. I don't think the guidance counselor particularly likes me very much, though... she's always having to attend "meetings" with special education teachers for my disabilities. However, I am not involved in special education, the opportunity "is just there should I ever need it." I am independent and don't really see myself as having disabilities and would much prefer to think of myself as a normal kid.</p>
<p>I have not taken my SATs yet (RHP applicants are required to take the SATs with the latest test date as December 12th). My sophomore PSAT is a 210 without studying, and after studying for the PSAT as a junior, I feel like my score has improved. </p>
<p>I am capable of paying the full tuition without any FA. (All RHP students automatically get Deans merit scholarships, I'm excited about that!)</p>
<p>But the problem is:
On the website it mentions:</p>
you will need:</p>
<li>A high High School GPA with few grades lower than an A-</li>
<li>Evidence of the high level of maturity necessary for entering college
<p>On my transcript, there are a lot of B's. My current GPA is a 3.3 unweighted. Junior year, though, I am taking the most rigorous courses possible and am making almost all A's. </p>
<p>Also, I skipped a few grades. This means that if I am accepted, I will be going to USC at the age of 15. I also don't think that 15 reflects a "mature" age, but I really do think that I'm the most composed person I know (aka far from being a drama queen). My life motto is literally "get over it," so I don't brood. People describe is as friendly, but "unemotional" in the sense that I believe logos comes before pathos. </p>
<p>Do you have any advice/comments for me? Any wisdom is appreciated and will be stored in my book of wisdom :D (yes, seriously!)</p>