Milion Dollar Band--Any scholarship $$? or Blount Scholars

Does anyone know if participating in the MDB provides any additional opportunities for scholarship $$? What about Blount Scholars?

@SOSConcern, can you answer the question about MDB scholarships?

I don’t believe being admitted to Blount comes with any additional scholarship money, but I can check on that and get back to you.

No additional scholarship money specifically for Blount. But, indirectly, being a Blount Scholar could be a positive factor when competing for additional scholarships, both at Alabama and outside. My daughter got two study abroad grants for this summer and I like to think that being part of the Blount program was a plus.

Thank you, @SumusPrimiQS!

Sorry for delay - we were traveling and stayed at a horrible hotel yesterday. Today is a very nice contrast with terrific hotel (and less expensive to boot).

I am speaking for non-music majors.

When one auditions for MDB, if the audition is high enough, they will offer a $500 stipend (score above 90 at DD’s audition time). This covers band fee plus some with registration (if a student has full tuition scholarship, money can apply to housing or other). If a student has the audition level to also receive concert band scholarship, this is also $500 but needs to participate both semesters. So if able to participate in MDB and concert band each year, $1000 total stipend.

Student in MDB gets clothes, travel bag, all hotels paid for (and since the group is big, they stay at great hotels that can accommodate them all), gets food or money cards/vouchers. PRICELESS experiences esp with UA and strong football program.

Fees can always change, but throughout 4 years, MDB fee was $200.

Concert band is for non-majors. There are two levels of band ensembles for non-majors.

DD received a letter from music dept offering scholarship at UA for all 4 years. She used MDB all 4 years. Only could do concert band first year due to schedule conflicts, but at last semester was able to do concert band. Music Dept did give her the $500 concert band scholarship/stipend the last semester senior year (when her classes did not conflict with concert band class time) - she had a nice surprise by placing first chair her last semester for audition in concert band (the higher of the two non-major music groups).

Thanks, @SOSConcern. Do music majors who participate in MDB have a chance at even larger awards?

Thank you for the information. We are trying to find ways to close a bit of a gap. Every dollar helps. He got a first chair position as a freshman so maybe there is some hope (non music major) so I will have him look into it.

The scholarship awards do change from year to year and one would have to inquire with current entering students on their awards to get accuracy on what can be stacked within the music dept. @LucieTheLakie