Obligation to repay scholarship money if transer?

<p>My son will qualify for the presidential scholarship and entrance into honors college. He will major in engineering and try out for marching band. We visited the school and we were very impressed with the engineering program, dorms, marching band, etc. and think it is a wonderful opportunity. However it is large and far away from our Midwestern home, so my concern is that if he doesn’t like it and decides to transfer closer to home is he obligated to repay the scholarship money (which would obviously be a substantial amount). Anyone with any info or experience with this?</p>

<p>Asked and answered. </p>

<p><a href=“UA Presidential Scholarship questions - #8 by aeromom - University of Alabama - College Confidential Forums”>UA Presidential Scholarship questions - #8 by aeromom - University of Alabama - College Confidential Forums;

<p>tl;dr: Nothing to pay back.</p>

<p>Is your son an incoming frosh or a rising senior? </p>

<p>If he does get into MDB, then he will find instant friendships and settle in quite quickly. I think MDB members arrive a week or two early (any know)? </p>

<p>If he doesnt do MDB, then I suggest that he do either Alabama Action or Outdoor Action…and great way to meet new friends and help with adjustment. </p>

<p>There are often small stipends/scholarships for students playing in music groups at UA.</p>