Minnesotan Resident Chance me please!!

<p>I am a male, Minnesotan resident, who applied by the november 1st deadline. Hoping to go into engineering.
G.P.A: 3.92 (unweighted), took some AP classes ( honors geometry, AP Stats, AP Calc, AP spanish)
Act: 28
Class rank: 17 out of 286 ( top 10 % )
i have 2 letters of rec. ( one by someone who can attest to my academic ability and one by someone who knows me out of school)
my essays, i think, showed that i have a strong interest in the school, and i have gone on a campus tour.
Extracurricular Activities: I am a 12 sport athelete (including being the hockey captain), i have been in National honors society for 2 years ( the max my school allows),Food shelf volunteer, Youth Teaching Youth, Service projects through church, Ralie ( group of students who work to improve school enthusiasm), Link ( group of upper classman who help freshmen to smoothly transition into high school), coaching youth hockey, job in a warehouse for 2 summers and a job refereeing for 2 years.</p>

<p>I would like to know what people think of my chances, personally i think it will be close. i predict being defered and having to submit my first semester grades (although i hope not).</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for all of the feedback ;)</p>

<p>Good but not a lock these days. You might be right on defer.</p>

<p>Thanks Barron. I do realize that I have already submitted my app but if anyone has any advice of any kind on how to improve my chances of admission in any way, please feel free to let me know.</p>


<p>You put your best foot forward with your app and essays. Now all you can do is wait to see what happens. Don’t dwell on it- enjoy your senior year of HS.</p>

<p>Your GPA and rank will be a real plus, but it also depends on how well your HS is ranked. As I keep saying check Navience on the graph. In my home state of Connecticut there are some HS’s that have 100 accepted to UCONN and other HS’s that have a handful. I do think your odds are good. Good luck</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for all of the feedback so far! my High school is relatively small but the academics are great. Last year we had a handful of students attend Madison aswell as a one who went to harvard and another to stanford.
I have checked Naviance a few times and where I am on the graph there is only green, but again, my high school is small so there is not a large amount of data to go by.
I also do realize that each year the competetion is greatly increasing so I don’t know how accurate the Naviance graph will be.</p>

<p>Thanks again</p>

<p>Match, but not definite in. I say your standardized scores need a tad bit more work, if its too late for another test, then don’t worry, there’s still a great chance. Also, could you please chance me? thanks <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1252829-what-my-chances-following.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1252829-what-my-chances-following.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Message to all HS students asking their chances. Our opinion doesn’t matter. You either apply or don’t. Getting in or not is a 100% event- you do or don’t. Go ahead and apply and be patient waiting for results. There will be people in the top and bottom quarters who do and don’t get in so go ahead even if you fall into the lower end and don’t be shocked with a denial if in the top end. We indulge in answering this (topic on parents forum) perenniel question but also get tired of it.</p>

<p>I know for a fact that its cheaper to go to the top ivy league schools if you are poor. Based on what I see from your link you have almost no shot at the top ivy league schools (Harvard, yale and Wharton). In my sons school the ones attending Harvard Princeton Yale… have accomplished something. As an example if you are on the debate team then state that you are the national champion, if you are on the math team state that you are a regional champion. Joining a club with high grades is nice for UW, but not for the top five schools. Rutgers is your only match. Good luck</p>

<p>Wis75, I appreciate your advice but you must take into consideration the importance these college acceptances have on the future of our lives. These are life changing decisions. I understand that these “Chance me” threads can be tiresome but think back to when you were applying to college and the feeling of apprehension you had. This is only a way for students to reasure themselves or to realize that they should not get their hopes up.</p>

<p>On another note, if defered/post poned, what are you chances of acceptance after this? or if you are defered is it basicaly a denial? Again, if anyone has any advice on how to sway admission in your favor feel free to poste. My Admission counselor is Jennifer Sandridge. I have read somewhere that emailing your admissions counselor and informing them of your interest to the school may be helpful, but I dont want to nag or sound desperate. </p>


<p>About 40-60…Not a denial at all</p>

<p>I had very similar stats as you last year, my gps was a little higher. I applied in early October and received notice that I was postponed right around this time last December. I was absolutely crushed and did email my admissions counselor telling her that. She advised me to send in my first semester grades and anything else that might help which I did. I was eventually admitted but didn’t find out until
March 17. Waiting was brutal, I wouldn’t let myself get too excited in case of another letdown. Good luck to you, I really think you will get in. If not now, then in March. Hang in there</p>

<p>Thanks MaryDay, it really would be nice to be accepted. Just wondering your opinion; Would you recomend that I email my admissions counselor, Jennifer Sandridge, now, before I get a decision back? just to let her know how badly i want to go to this school?</p>

<p>I honestly would wait until you hear back. The first decision is really based on your record which they have. If you get postpones then definitely email them and assure them UW is your first choice and you will definitely attend if admitted. And be sure to send in additional information that could help you. Good luck</p>

<p>Hey Woody, have a number of classmates from your high school applied to Madison? Has anyone heard anything?</p>

<p>–best of luck to you, it’s tough waiting.</p>

<p>MNFlyer, Yes a lot of people in my class have applied to Madison, mostly girls (i have a very competitive class this year). As of now i dont think anyone has received a decision. My guess is that a handful of them will get in because again, my senior class is very smart.</p>