<p>In most top colleges, there seem to be a high minority population (40-50%), huge number of them being Asians (20-30%). Even though a high number of this group study engineering, high number of them major in business and financial fields as well. The number of minorities in top business schools is high as well. However, the number of students doesn't seem to be parallel with the number of workers in these fields.
I was wondering the what can be attrubuted to the seeming lack of minorities in business world is. Is it simply my stupidity of not knowing many minorities in business world? Or is it because this group of people don't pursue jobs in the United States... I would appreciate your responses.</p>
<p>I think the rate is growing more in Asian countries, but it will overwhelm eventually in the US more than it is today. Why? Because China, specifically, will be one of the countries dominating next to the US. There will be English-Chinese speakers and where do we go for that? China, I mean, there's 1 billion of us.</p>
<p>i suspect on a percentage basis over 45 years, that only the lst 10 or so have seenthe larger number of minorities ...so in a simple example if there are 450 business people in a place and the first 35 years it was 90 % anglo then you have 315 anglos and 35 non..then for 10 years its 50/50 so you(10 hired per year) 50 anglos and 50 non then you have 375anglo and 60 non or 83% anglo ....</p>
<p>this is just math --I suspect that your numbers are a little off on the 'minorities... also due to cultural issues (or prejudice (sp)- if you prefer) 'minorities' probably are more in their own businesses and possibly returning to home countries in some instances... where they are likely not minorities ...</p>
<p>Agree also withbijoux7 abotu increasing globilization etc ...in the end what is a minority</p>
<p>just some thoughts</p>
<p>Thank you for agreeing with me, zxc. Here's my question, are Asians considered minorities? Think about it, in most colleges, such as BU or Michigan, the percentage of Asians are 12.3% which I agree is very high for a university, but yet there are still 60% Caucasians simply because..why? Not enough apply? I think many apply, but don't get in for reasons. Sometimes I feel that these colleges judge minorities by their ethnicity, therefore maybe sterotype as well? Such as, majority of people know that Asians are generally smart and most have jobs as engineers and doctors. So some colleges think that most Asians are generally smart, but if they see a student who is just like the average high school student, would they accept them? Generally no right?
Do you think that a lot of colleges are very diverse? I heard that Lehigh University is not...in the class of 2006, there are exactly 12 African-Americans out of 1,500 students. Wowzers.</p>