<p>I want to know which minor you think is most valuable in today's job market.</p>
<p>Take the classes you want to take. Most people don’t see a lot of value in a minor, but if one would provide value then it would be the accounting minor.</p>
<p>Depending on who you talk to, people are going to give you different opinions. Just by looking at your post, I can see that your in high school. Let me tell you something, business degree is no easy task and double majoring holds little to no value in business. </p>
<p>In the end, choose what you want!</p>
<p>Actually, your very wrong latestgood. I’m a junior at McCombs School of Business, UT Austin. I’m doing the corporate finance track which includes taking two upper divisoin accounting classes. One more class, and that would be a minor in Acc. The MIS minor is also three classes. But, that would be three additional classes, and that might force me to graduate in the summer of 2010. This is not a big deal to me, because entry level analyst classes for banks normally start at the end of the summer after graduation. The real issue is whether MIS would be a more valuable minor than Acc in this job climate.</p>