Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Update: she has gone off. Guessing it’s to procure building materials. But secretly, I have visions of her showing him where the best twigs and pine needles are and explaining how to choose the perfect ones. She may even use this as an opportunity to explain why dried leaves are inappropriate. He has turned off the sound but nods, knowing what’s good for him.

Or she could be collecting him from the birdie bar, wondering if all her friends were right. He’s gorgeous, for sure, but should she really be starting a family with him?

Love it, @gardenstategal! Please keep the story going.

We have beautiful hummingbirds and lots of butterflies this time of year, but we also have snakes and scorpions. :frowning:

“He’s gorgeous, for sure, but should she really be starting a family with him?”

But just think how pretty the babies will be. :slight_smile:

Continue the story…I am sitting in the park while my twins enjoy the breeze while swinging on the swings.

@gardenstategal :slight_smile:

So… I went put to live my non virtual life and returned to see that the nest now incorporates several dried leaves and one stick, which to my non avian eyes is much too big and stiff for this purpose. Best guess is that he tried to help and his effort, however misplaced, had to be encouraged. So it’s not the nest of her dreams, but they made it together.

However, it does appear to be the nest of some interloper-robin, so we’ll have to see how well this duo works together on defending its new home. Is he all beauty and no brawn? We’ll see! In my book, beauty is as beauty does…

So funny–this was essentially the same advice my mom gave me when DH and I were engaged. That, and know how to pick your battles.

Anyone out there celebrating today with both margaritas AND mint juleps??? ^:)^

Nap time for me.

“margaritas AND mint juleps”

I prefer my mint in mojitos. :slight_smile:

@AppleNotFar I had a mint julep at the derby 20 years ago…it was the only thing offered at 7:30 am…I’ve sworn myself off of them ever so nice. So, it’s just margaritas for me while watching the derby!!!

@gardenstategal : “my non-virtual life” :))

I’m hoping @gardenstategal’s story gets juicy. I want to hear about some cardinal sins. :wink:

Juleps for us.

So yesterday evening, a robin was lounging in the nest. Trying it on for size. I was sure I could hear Mrs. C’s bitter recriminations. “If only you had done what you were supposed to, I wouldn’t have had to leave the nest and that darn robin would never have had a chance. YOU KNOW I LAY MY EGGS WITHIN DAYS OF MAKING A NEST!”

So it was to my surprise that I found mrs. C in the nest this morning, looking quite content. And that flashy mate of hers was showing up at very frequent intervals with the perfect pine needles. And that stiff, too long stick is gone. As if, having done such a fine job, they both tilted their tufted heads and gazed at it saying, “that just looks wrong, don’t you think?”

Several dried leaves remain. Perhaps his mom did that to his childhood nest. Making a house a home, so to speak. The bird equivalent of the crocheted afghan that returns to the sofa the moment the temperature drops… (despite no connection, color or otherwise, with the decor.)

My vantage point allows me to see the inside of the nest. Hopefully, there will be eggs soon!

And btw, those two are mated for life!

Oh! I can’t wait until there are children for them to consider…and how many missteps Mr C will have when he tries to feed baby Cs too big a piece of bug, or tries to make them fly right after dinner. Or when he messes up the nest, just to fly off to show off to other Cs in the neighborhood, leaving exhausted Mrs C alone to not only deal with the kids but pick up the mess he left behind.

Lol, @buuzn03 ! Gotta admit, gardenstatespouse was pretty happy with this morning’s turn of events as well. This nest has aroused so many feelings best left dormant (or dulled by mint juleps!)

The robin is back this afternoon, btw. Our couple seems to do house-keeping in the morning and go off somewhere else for the afternoon. Sort of a Peyton Place out there…

We have coyotes!

@gardenstategal: We have a pair or resident owls at our house, in a tree visible from our driveway. My wife likes to refer to them as our pet owls.

We did not have juleps, bu did watch the Derby (on TV) on Sat. Great race and such a great contrast that the silks of the winning jockey were clean while everyone else was mud splattered.

I’m definitely on a music jag right now. Humor me:

This EBTG rendition of Tom Waits’ “Downtown Train” (you may know the Rod Stewart cover version):

And for something completely different, Anderson.Paak’s “Come Down”:

The base line in “Come Down” is amazing, IMO.

@SevenDad Thanks for sharing the “Come Down” video–I always love music that makes you want to move.

Speaking of, we opted for margaritas on Saturday (well the ladies anyway; the guys ordered Mexican beers). Afterwards we went dancing, which hasn’t happened in more years than I can remember. Anyhow, twenty-somethings don’t seem to dance like I remember at that age. They are a whole lot more mellow. Back in my day everyone was in constant motion and most of us were breaking a sweat. Most of the kids we saw this weekend would sway a bit, then stop to check their phones and take some selfies. And all this with some pumping music playing. Us old folks were astonished. “THIS is NOT dancing.” Sigh. I guess its best that my crowd stick to at-home dance parties. DH is a pretty good DJ and bartender, and there’s no cover charge.

While not a new song, I can’t stop listening to “Ship to Wreck” at the moment. Have a listen! http://youtu.be/B9v8jLBrvug Note: it is particularly enjoyable played fairly loudly, in a car, with the windows down. YMMV. :smiley: