Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

We haven’t discussed music in awhile on this thread! Thanks @SevenDad!

Been listening to the score from Dear Evan Hansen… CameoKid is taking me to brunch in the city on Mother’s Day and then we’re going to the matinee. Somehow, I magically scored third row center seats… haven’t been to the theater in while and we both really want to see this one, so we are very excited!

Here in the country, a sure sign of spring is the return of the bats. We all love and appreciate them, but last night one of my neighbors awoke to a couple of them flying at low altitude in her bedroom. She panicked, and her flailing around with a broom caused them to fly erratically… one of them just barely grazed her head in the commotion. Since both bats were not contained and went out through a window, my unfortunate neighbor was strongly advised to make the trek to the ER for the series of rabies shots. She insisted that she hadn’t been bitten or scratched, but the medical/wildlife experts around here are always extra cautious when it comes to potential bat exposure. Ugh. Welcome to spring…

@Cameo43 My DD is going to be SOOOO jealous when she hears about your theater tix!

@cameo43 My DS gets his last rabies shot next week. Out biking at dusk and a bat flew into his left eye. So much for echolocation. Anyway, he has tolerated the series without issues. Hope all goes well for your neighbor.

So, I got the “mom, can you order me shorts” call…which caught me off guard because two days ago, DS mentioned they had to be weighed for crew and he had lost another 4 pounds. (He’s down 13 for the year). I said…how many pairs do you have? Response: I have 4, but two look like crew shorts when I put them on…I’m wondering how tall this kid has gotten since spring break. 8-|

Oh good, someone else is awake. I’ve been up since before 5. :frowning:

There were bat issues in a boys’ bunk when dd went to camp at Interlochen. The whole bunk had to get shots! Crazy!

@twinsmama us, too. For Pete’s sake. It is Saturday!!!

And we don’t have bats here. No rain, no mosquitoes…just rattlesnakes!

We have ground hogs, possums and raccoons here.

@“Mama Paradox” , are you my neighbor? We are overrun! And that’s before we get to whatever is in the attic.

Our house looks like an insane recreation of groundhog day with all the traps, bait, etc…

@gardenstategal ,I live in North Jersey.

Oh, where we central jersey folks take everything we catch in the have a heart traps!

Jk… we exchange our catch with the folks across the river in PA.

I’m up! And wondering how I can use the “carrot” of a prom dress to motivate a certain slightly overwhelmed Chimneykid to turn in some big assignments. The wheels are always turning… he he heh. Tragically, I got in my own way last night when she texted me re said prom dress and I said “sure, of course, get a dress!” pretty much guaranteeing that she would spend the rest of the weekend online shopping rather than doing finals prep. I was happily sipping the first G&T of the season at the time - rookie mistake.

And major ground hog situation here too! Also a coyote problem in town.

@chemmchimney , we have packs of coyotes we hear at night, but they don’t seem to have developed a taste for groundhogs. Kitty cats, yes…

We let the cats out during the day because they need to catch the mice who harbor the ticks that threaten the rest of us with Lyme, but we always bring them in at night. It’s a circle of life thing happening here.

Currently watching a pair of cardinals building a nest. She’s slaving away weaving twigs. He showed up with a dried up leaf (which she made him put back on the ground). Of course! It’s not that kind of nest!

On his last trip back, he was empty-beaked. Didn’t remember why he’d gone out? Wasn’t sure what it was she needed? Forgot his wallet?

I feel like we are kindred souls…

@gardenstategal I love this so much - hilarious.


@gardenstategal :))