Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I love Do wop music from the 50’s. Queen remains a gem !

I just baked a quadruple batch of brownies for my kids to bestow upon teachers and friends, and burnt the whole darn thing. :frowning: Also messed up the nails I had just painted for the first time since my wedding (that’s a slight exaggeration, but only a slight one). And I can’t decide what to wear for baccalaureate and graduation. And I hate my haircut.

The getting in to what you want to wear is hard as well as getting the hair just right for grad photos. We were less hyped/worried for college graduation which took place a week ago Monday, and enjoyed it all a lot more than BS graduation. Congrats to all graduates and their parents!

When we got to the rental car stop at the airport on the opposite coast, the Enterprise attendant congratulated me and my husband on a job well done. Who does that? It felt so good, like we had just gotten our parent diploma. We graduated, having brought our student to adulthood at the Enterprise car lot. Haha. We graduated!

Oh @twinsmama! But your kids will be proud and beautiful, and you’ll be RADIANT! We’re so happy for you, nail polish and all! >:D<

What? I was supposed to give a thought to what to wear to graduation? There were supposed to be photos? I’m going to wear the same dress to ChoatieLTs graduation that I wore to ChoatieKid’s graduation that I wore to, well, that dress gets a lot of use. And maybe someone will take pictures this time. :wink:

@twinsmama, don’t sweat it. I agree with @GoatMama, you and your kids will be proud and happy and that will make you beautiful. Enjoy the day! Congrats again.

I think I’m wearing the same thing to 7D1’s BS grad that I wore to 7D2’s.

Deep breaths, @twinsmama . It will all be great in the end and you won’t even remember the nails, etc. (unless it becomes a funny anecdote you can laugh about later.) (((HUGS))) and congratulations!

Are yoga pants not acceptable at graduation? What if they are the “dress” yoga pants??? @twinsmama if that dress and your nail polish don’t work, you can always break out the tennis gear…and wear a visor for your hair, although I’m sure you are the only one not loving the haircut!!! Just enjoy the day!!! Woohoo!!

This takes me back to the epic “what to wear to move in day” thread. Avoid jodhpurs and you will be fine @twinsmama! And make sure the diploma is inside the holder! Congrats to you all - we have a double header in 2020.

Full equestrian attire all the way!

Well, I’ve been screaming at my TV this morning…I finally got to see DS row. His boat was in one of the fastest heats and had they been in a different heat, they would’ve advanced to the grand finale. He has found a sport he loves, though, and I couldn’t be more proud!!

I have been wearing the same yellow-green jacket to DS1’s and DS2’s 5th-grade and 8th-grade continuations and to DS1’s high school graduation. I am going to get a new dress for DS2’s graduation next year though and wear it for college graduations. DH is even worse. He has been wearing the same suit to all of the above and it is from our wedding reception 27 years ago. :)) So we are going to be wearing new clothes next May. :slight_smile:

@payn4ward I’m impressed you and your husband still fit into the same clothes over the years!

Ditto @doschicos!!!

My dad wore a hideous yellow pinstriped suit he loved and called his “ice-cream suit” for my high school graduation in 1978. When he died, I looked for it so he could be buried in it (perfect solution; he loved it and it deserved to be in the ground :slight_smile: ). It was gone, but we did find the white dinner jacket etc. that he wore for his wedding, probably an even more perfect solution.

My jacket has been shrinking over the years. That is why I need a new dress next year. :))

DH has grown only an inch or two around the middle, so he can still fit into his decades-old suits. :wink:

In the end, I didn’t wear the same thing to 7D2’s graduation that I did to her sister’s. We’re two for two on rain pushing the ceremony indoors. A very nice affair, all in all. Good job, George School.

And like that, my time as a boarding school parent is over.

Congratulations @SevenDad !!
Please do stay around for awhile.

Thought of you this morning, @SevenDad , as the accuweather flood alerts were coming in. Sorry it was indoors (first time doing it in that space for GS), but now we know who to blame… Congratulations to D2!

Wow! @SevenDad congrats on yours and D2’s graduations! I guess you’ve moved up to the big leagues!!!