Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Congrats from me, too, @SevenDad, a milestone for sure. :slight_smile:

Happy Memorial Day, everyone.

Congratulations, @SevenDad . Peddie graduation was flooded out too (or flooded in…they had to move it indoors.) While ds isn’t graduating, he is in the graduation orchestra so he was moved to an off site location to play. I felt bad for the grandparents/siblings of the graduates who traveled a long way and had to watch via streaming.

Congratulations @SevenDad!

Congrats @SevenDad …!!!

Happy Memorial Day @ChoatieMom and ChoatieKid! Congratulations as well to all those parents who celebrated graduations this week.

Congrats @SevenDad!! Tonight is Chimneykid2’s prom and I am not there, and I haven’t seen the dress :(( :-B The school photo feed has not posted a single photo of her this past week either. (They have special spring term experiential classes happening now.) I have been promised a prom photo, and I will be checking back in here with the results, cocktail in hand. Chimneykid will be just fine, but I may need some shoring up. It is tough not to be there for those high school milestones. Plus I would really like some reassurance that her bottom is covered (She’s 5’8") but that’s just me, right?

@chemmchimney This is one of the very worst parts of allowing your child to go away to school. In years where I was very lucky, I got to help “choose” the dress by texted photo. And the school did post LOTS of photos after the event… but never fast enough to assuage a mother’s needs. :smiley:

Prepare yourself… there WILL be a photo of some form of “wardrobe malfunction”. It is usually a result of buying a dress online and then being stuck on campus with no way to get it altered. No worries: they still look absolutely beautiful.

Another way to ensure a photo, is to befriend one of her more responsible friends and beg her to send one directly to you! Instagram is your friend on this - and if they allow it, you can also see any of her in friend’s photos (if they tagged her).

Enjoy your cocktail while you wait. Heck, have a second one.

I did not consider looping in conspiring with the friends’ social media. Genius!

^^I did! Or at the very least, parents of friends who found their parents less socially mortifying…

Beer on ice… nada yet from prom central but my eldest called in tears. She unexpectedly has Tues and Wed off this summer in a new city and she has absolutely no clue what to do with that much consecutive freetime. I fear boarding school may have trained her too well! :-??

Getting ready to go pick up SwimKid. Riding pants and tennis visor? Or tennis skirt and helmet? I may need to leave the riding crop and racket at home. My hands will be full.

@momof3swimmers: maybe, since it is almost summer, full tennis regalia? Head to toe? you could always strap the racquet to your back… but that’s up to you. :smiley:

I ended up wearing my swimsuit to graduation. It was hot that day. But tennis gear is appropriate as well.

We have been forewarned that the dog will not fit and it would be ideal if only one parent came to pick up. Just now realizing all those loads of stuff brought to school are now on their way back home. Yikes. ^#(^

@momof3swimmers I am late to this party due to traveling…but I would’ve voted swimsuit over tennis or riding gear…what did you end up going with??

What about cowgirl gear?

I find myself still popping onto CC even though my prep school career is over. I had a wonderful three years, complete with sweat, tears, and a very full heart (no blood that I can think of, thankfully). Groton was so good for me, and it provided opportunities I never could have come by on my own. Congrats to all my fellow 2018ers – onwards and upwards from here!

What were the most significant opportunities in your Groton years, @stargirl3 ? What were the highlights?

Wishing you the very best in your next chapter!

@stargirl3 , congrats! Hoping you will let us know how your gap year is going and wishing you the very best. I have no doubt that the next chapter will be amazing. …