Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Diversity is not about being blind to differences, it’s about enjoying them and allowing them to enrich each others’ lives. Being white and wealthy does not equate with being color blind and being unable to “get it.” That’s honestly insulting. I’ve been denied admittance, scholarships and promotions for my race and gender, but I’d never suggest that others wouldn’t “get it.” Because they do. People of all backgrounds can be unfair and carry all kinds of biases…and act on them. Just because it happens to one person doesnt give them license to complain about it or do the same to others. Like I tell my kids, “Life isn’t fair. Wear a helmet, expect some crashes, keep riding and enjoy it!”

Actually, I do believe in white privilege so I probably wasn’t clear. And I believe that it has been my privilege to feel like race doesn’t have to matter because really for me, it doesn’t. But it does for others at least some of the time.

And, like you, I believe in trying to always see someone’s heart and the goodness in it regardless of what they look like.

I don’t think those 2 things are exclusive.

I appreciate the courage of people who speak up and share on this topic – especially the friends who explained this to me - because all each of us know directly is our own experience. I have been humbled by all I have assumed. (Additional humbling in future too, no doubt!) These are very difficult and nuanced issues.

… which is why you should always take anything GoatMama says with a grain of salt… :wink:

But seriously, you may have misinterpreted some of what I’ve said. First, my kid is on a scholarship through the endowed regional scholarships. The school likes to give these to FA applicants but in the absence of such it has often awarded them to applicants who could easily pull their own weight financially. Second, my kid’s spending habits don’t have much to do with any of this. She often pays for other kids’ food, taxi, Uber, and these other kids are mostly full pay, just didn’t have the money at the time, or forgot their card, there is always something. I don’t mind her doing that, precisely because we’ve received such a generous aid that it only feels right to be equally generous when necessary. I also think that she is more lose with money than some of her friends, but that’s on her parents.

As for laundry, my kid and her roommate have this arrangement: the roommate has a laundry plan, my kid does her own laundry, and the two share as necessary: the other kid would use my kid’s laundry card when she need to wash something on her own, and my kid occasionally uses the roommate’s laundry plan when she needs something dry-cleaned. I haven’t done a cost-benefit analysis and I’m not planning to. Welcome to the laissez-faire Goat Family.

Boarding school for sale?

@CaliMex - that’s wild! Have to do some research.

The U.S. Army has arguably the most effective institutional approach to RR. Basically, “We are all Sinners.”

In more practical terms, “We are all prejudiced: but we cannot discriminate.”

FWIW someone from Hotchkiss posted that Taft was for sale or rent on Twines And Vines last month! It looked realistic @ listing like on Zillow …very funny :)) This was posted the week of their football game.

There are some good clues: about 300 students, grades 6-12, 40 acre campus.

MacDuffie School now in Granby, MA is grade 6-12, has a large international student population - and estimated $1 million endowment.

Taft has over $200 million endowment, “So the snub recoils.”

I say we all pool our resources and buy it so we can put our money where our mouths are and run a BS the way it was intended to be run. :wink:

The ad in post #3683 states:

“Rigorous Academics Allowing Students Admission To Leading US Ivy League Universities.”

“Buyers can leverage its I-20 visa program to recruit international students.”

Raises thoughts about what is really being offered for sale.

@ChoatieMom I put you in charge of getting a CC consensus of running a BS the way it was intended to be run. :))

@ChoatieMom But we’ll never agree on what the laundry protocols should be or on whether to have formal, seated meals with assigned seats!

ChoatieMom’s School for Wayward Teens?

It’s all yours as far as I’m concerned, @choatiemom ! I’m a faculty member at a local college, and I wouldn’t touch the administrative side with a 20 foot pole! :))

HappyTimes 2001 and that conversation-Re; Race and idea of not seeing race/color. I live in an area where I don’t fit in. For various reasons, people around me are polite and we can occasionally meet for coffee but I’m not getting a sleep over, so to speak, or dinner invite. It’s mutual. I “like” them, they me too. But we won’t be soul mates. While spending time with other friends and trying to explain how I feel, I started with… it’s kind of like…oops…I was going to say it’s like the last time you were the minority in a store or on the street. But couldn’t cause none of them have ever been one. They’ve never experienced it. Never lived in a neighborhood with very few their color. Only maybe if they were lost but then they were in their cars. Never even for like 20 minutes in a supermarket. When you are always surrounded by your own color, you don’t need to see color do you?

It is like me when I went to years of parochial schools for girls and then went to the college and career in science and engineering with few or no girls in class or field.

I would encourage some of our newer CC members to choose a personalized image instead of the generic graduation cap for their profile. It’s so much nicer (and a fraction faster) for the reader.

@thacherparent, But you have changed your image! How do we know it’s really you? :slight_smile:

But then I freak out when a long-time member changes their personalized image for another. Did the account get hacked? Did the dog in the picture die?

LOL…!! @twinsmama…ok, I have changed it once since I joined in May of '08. And I should add that only one of the OLD people would notice that (not to mention one also possessing a freakish rain man memory). :slight_smile:

And @skieurope, you should talk to the other Gods about putting the “join date” back under the image where it’s obvious instead of making someone look in the person’s profile! That way, seniority can be more easily ascertained…ahem… :wink:

Because that nanosecond it takes to click the user’s hyperlink is sooo time-consuming. :slight_smile: