Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@skieurope I always enjoyed seeing the join date next to the # of postings. It let me quickly calculate the poster’s CR and put the lie to the questionably conceived concept of “Member” vs “Senior Member” designations. :wink:

I think I’ll change my avatar just to freak @skieurope out (but I’d probably just confuse myself). :slight_smile:

Who you calling OLD, @ThacherParent? (If it’s me, you’re right!)
And @skieurope, we all know you have superpowers and can do many things in the space of a nanosecond, but those of us who are older, stupider, and slower than you are wasting what little remains of our lives in the time it takes to click on such things.

I had no idea 1) there previously was a joined date nor 2) you could click on the hyperlink to see someone’s profile :open_mouth:
I think I like the suggestion of putting the joined date back…and removing the “senior” status. I’m fighting everything “senior” tooth and nail…and appear to be losing pathetically.

@PhotographerMom changed the turtle, I am definitely in need of therapy.

The turtle always made me smile. :wink:

Has anyone watched Roma yet?

Yes. It is worth watching. It didn’t quite live up to all the hype I had heard/read but still a very good film worth watching. Well crafted and acted.

^^The best, @CaliMex . Twice now!

Fair warning for those who are sharpening their axes. I just finished making the arrangements for DDs tour of mid-Atlantic schools! We would love the chance to meet up with anyone in the area for coffee and chat time! Many of you are huge mentors of mine and any insight/advice is always appreciated. And the opportunity to get to know you better would be a huge bonus!!! :x

@buuzn03: Let me know if you ever hit west of Texas. :slight_smile:

I don’t remember who advised parents to read The Gatekeepers about a year or so ago…but I have to thank you! It took me forever, partly due to its teeny-tiny print and my inability to recall where I’ve placed my reading glasses (Why I’ve mainly turned to electronic readers and computer screens for their font adjustments) and partly due to my job really expecting me to perform during business hours. I’m shipping off now to DS, so he’s completed it prior to his go at college apps. Great suggestion-thanks again!!

I just finished reading “All Loves Excelling” by Josiah Bunting - former Head of L’Ville :-B
Have any other parents on here read it?

How does one change one’s profile picture?

Go to Account Options (the gear in the top right) → Preferences → Change My Profile Picture

I read All Loves Excelling during our son’s BS years. A sad but unfortunately not unheard of reality.


I like your new profile @hellomaisy ! :slight_smile:

@buuzn03 is your D touring Mercersburg?

What’s with the “Banned” banners on profile pictures? Is that new? Is doschicos really banned?

@hellomaisy yes!!! We have it on our list for this spring/summer!