Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@buuzn03 let me know if you have Qs; I’m there most weekends and am happy to help. Good luck!

Mercersburg wins the prize for nicest admissions staff… and there’s a high bar since most admissions teams are pretty nice! The campus was beautiful, too.

I really wish I hadn’t already watched stranger things. I need something to take my mind off of the all consuming BS admissions process.

Friday Night Lights (old), The Affair, Luther, Parenthood (old), first 2 seasons of Glee, Sharp Objects…

Game of Thrones, Ray Donovan, Dexter…

If you prefer a comedy, How I Met Your Mother

Friday Night Lights is my fave!!! Kyle Chandler is my celebcrush. 8->
Speaking of crush…I think Candy Crush was my all mind numbing activity during this waiting period…I got to the end multiple times and had to wait for them to create more levels…eeek.

Loooove Friday Night Lights. Maybe I will rewatch.

I loved Friday Night Lights as well, and the book behind it was written by a BS grad, so it gets bonus points.

Friday Night Lights the movie/show was a Taft grad…I have to say, we live FNL and the fictional representations aren’t so far off

Ah, so a double BS connection, even more bonus points. The book was written by a PA grad. According to an NPR article, he “moved his family to Odessa so he could spend a year following the Odessa Permian Panthers, their families and their fans.” I’ve never read the book, but great TV!

I loved Game of Thrones as well, though I’m sad that the final book may never get written. The author has already published a prequel, and from what I’ve heard from die hard fans, seems to have little interest in finishing the original series now that the HBO version has taken its grip.

@buuzn3 the author of Friday Night Lights is Buzz Bissinger, Phillips Academy ‘72. He wrote the player biographies for the PA/PEA Football program for the 1970 team, which included a PG by the name of Bill Belichick. So they remain an “authorial* artifact.” Another PA grad, Ernie Adams (AKA “Belichick’s Belichick”) is the one who suggested Odessa to Bissinger.

The book is a lot more about football than high school, but compelling from many angles. You can buy the original edition used for a few bucks. It was republished as a 25th Anniversary Edition In 2000 and includes a lot of commentary of the aftermath. Many of the people Bissinger lived with felt he’d betrayed their kindness and confidences, while others understood the book in context. He highlighted the racial divide as it played out through high school football, which also struck a nerve. Many of those involved understand that in the end the book brought a lot of attention to Texas High School football in general and Permian in particular.

  • That’s a word, I looked it up!

Fun Friday Night Lights BS trivia - director Peter Berg was the class above me at Taft (80) and for many years now he has made a special annual trailer for Taft that announces headmaster’s holiday. It features a different celebrity cameo each year. Taft’s current headmaster Willie McMullen was also a student at Taft with us (class of 78 or 79). Adam Duritz (Counting Crows) was class of 82 as was Trey Anastasio of Phish. Willie was the only one of this group who stood out on campus at that time. He was adorable and a soccer star.

@chemmchimney every time FNL comes on the TV or Countng Crows plays on the radio, I shout at my daughter…“TAFT”. I think at first, she was amused… =))

Shouldn’t you yell “Andover?”

We are done and I am so happy. I thought I would be nervous but I am just tired and relieved that the process is over. It has really been interesting to me how the different schools, really the staff at each, has interacted with us throughout this process. Some schools are just so much better at this game than others. I am trying not to count some things as a “good sign” because of all my time reading back threads but man, some things are hard to discount. I will be interested to see what happens M10 and compare how we were treated with where the child was admitted with where she chooses to attend.

Congrats @dogsmama1997 and also wishing other families congratulations@ completing those applications! :-h

@dogsmama1997 you did it!! Now, go relax and pour you a nice cocktail! (I think there’s a thread about that around here’s …maybe a few pages back!!! Lol)

@SevenDad , Maggie Rogers on NPR today!!

@buuzn03 Yes!