Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@PhotographerMom: You need to get on this thread:


@hellomaisy - I loved Derry Girls! Have you seen Catastrophe on amazon? It’s funny also!

Dug deep into the old cookie cutter box this morning and found a dragon from when the kids were young - so I called my sister to brag about making GoT dragon cookies for tomorrow night, and she actually got a little testy with me because she was having a special dragon cake made at the fancy bakery in town.

Game on.

My husband: You’re all out of your minds.

@SevenDad I’ve been wanting to watch Killing Eve for awhile now! I just got Hulu this weekend and started watching it. Love it so far!

Oooh. We just got Hulu, too. I will have to check it out!

The GoT Season 8 kickoff was a lot of fun… We had thirty people here ( !!! ) , but my cookies were no match for over the top - in my face - dragon cake. The more I think about it - the more I think the cookie cutters were from the kid show Dragon Tales- Oops! Epic fail. LOL.

People kept saying how "charming " they were and we all know what "charming " on a dessert table really means…

And my husband had a lot of nerve telling us that we were out of our minds because all of a sudden homemade GoT "Dornish " wine labels appeared on all the wine bottles he purchased for the party. So - who’s crazy now? Actually- K1 swung by early and helped him do it in secret ( likely while I was screaming or swearing at a torn pastry bag or burnt batch ) … So obviously - we’re all nuts in Photoland and very easily amused.

Seriously- K1 must’ve been like- You want me stop by on a Sunday morning and help you with what? Dad’s future retirement must’ve flashed before his eyes… poor kid.

Dragon cake sister is hosting Easter dinner and Episode 2 . Her plans are tightly under wraps, but I plan on staying in my lane this time… by bringing the biggest ham I can find… and maybe dropping it on her table.

If your sister is anywhere near as funny as you are, @PhotographerMom , you two must have kept your parents in stitches! :wink:

Sounds like her sister belongs on the other side of The Wall…


K2 just now in a yawning British accent before wandering back to bed :

Is the 100 lb beast baking in the oven for Aunt Lysa’s table tomorrow , mother? Couldn’t you have just pushed her out the moon door instead ?

I’m sure GoT fans know who Aunt Lysa is… was… and why I’m laughing so hard right now…

Happy Easter and Happy Passover! :slight_smile:

Happy Easter and Blessed Passover to you all! I am fortunate enough to spend it with both of my kids this year!

So nice, @buuzn03, to have the kids with you. I am also happy to have both kids around the table. :slight_smile:

I scored 1 dd and a bonus BS friend who was lovely - happy Eastover everyone

Another classic SevenDad non sequitur:

What do you guys think of the “Old Town Road” song? I think it’s kind of catchy.

I like it. And I like that I was “in the know” thanks to my kids bringing it to my attention very early on. (before the NYT mentioned it. Lol)

I remembered that exchange because I just realized that for GK2’s 8th grade graduation I’ll be wearing the same dress that I wore for GK1’s 8th grade graduation, that I also wore for my own PhD graduation, and that I’ll wear next year for GK1’s high school graduation too… It’s The Graduation Dress!

^^Sounds like the dress has proven itself worthy of the job. Why would you mess with it now?

Thanks for resurrecting that, @GoatMama, but this graduation is going to require basting for hours in the NE sun and humidity in an unshielded football stadium. I’m thinking bathing suit this time.

Definitely no photos of that!

Fingers crossed, @ChoatieMom! I realize it’s 3 weeks away, but the temps in the region are still in the 40s/50s… maybe the heat and humidity will be delayed this year! (Can you wear one of those sun hats with a fan built in?) :wink:

Haven’t been on this thread in a while, and happy to be back after wading into the FEDS UNCOVER COLLEGE ADMISSIONS CHEATING PLOT (scary!) . . . thanks to all for the laughs this morning. This thread is the absolute best for procrastinating on a Monday morning :wink: