Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@chemmchimney That sounds like an awesome spot for the right kid.

Interesting article to share on Helicopter Parents…yes, sometimes I feel like a “Black Hawk”, but then the blades get caught in something.


Thanks for sharing, @Golfgr8. Is that the BS boot on those helicopter blades?

I browsed through the references of the original study, which is linked in the article you shared, and got amused by the findings of a previous work, which reported that helicopter parenting has a negative association with student well-being but a positive association with parental well-being. Yup. Don’t we all like to eat our own, all with the best intentions…

Interesting that parental well-being was found to be higher for helicopter parents. I’m sure I would have been much happier as a helicopter parent. It was soooooo hard doing what was best for the kids LOL.

Did anyone else on CC get locked out today? Was there a system upgrade on CC? Happy to be back on board with you all.

@Golfgr8 I got locked out for about 24 hours until last night. There was a change in the way we log in: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/community-forum-issues/2166064-upcoming-changes-to-the-way-we-log-in.html#latest

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my CC compadres! May 2020 be your best year, yet!

On a sobering/humbling note…I asked my kids what would be the one thing they hoped to accomplish in 2020. DS (a V form starting to think about college applications) said “I hope to be able to breathe normally once again”. The things we take for granted.

Many blessing to you and yours!

My Misc rambling as I sit here in a waiting room once again, using CC to distract.

The other day — at a prometric office waiting for DD2 to take SSATs.

Today — in the cardiology center of the hospital waiting while DD3 is getting cardiac MRI in preparation for open heart surgery. DD4 is home barfing her head off from a tummy flu. Innocuous but yucky. DD3 feels “fine” but is getting ready for a surgery to save her life. (Prognosis is very good so feeling hopeful and grateful.)

Anyway — marinating in the worthy work of parenting — giving our all to our kids’ dreams of boarding school, to holding the hands of our kids dealing with scary life stuff, some of which we aren’t allowed to witness directly (such as an MRI), to holding back the hair of our sweet kids as they hang onto the porcelain bowl, insisting on sleeping on the cool bathroom tile floor.

Parenting is not for the faint of heart for sure.

Hugs to you @Calliemomofgirls It is definitely times like this that puts things into perspective. Sending positive thoughts and prayers

Thx @buuzn03.

Also — I should have been clearer —. Today’s an easy part — just the mapping for surgery in a few weeks. (I doubt I’ll be on CC the day of the surgery!)

Wishing all your family speedy recoveries, @Calliemomofgirls, and then for you a smoother road for awhile!

Sending you and your D all the best, @Calliemomofgirls .

@Calliemomofgirls — definitely not for the faint of heart.

Wishing you and your family speedy recoveries.

All the best wishes going out to you and your family @Calliemomofgirls

We will be thinking of you and wishing good things to you and yours!

Same here, @Calliemomofgirls. Praying for an uneventful and successful surgery and a smooth recovery to full health for your daughter.

Parenting is indeed not for the faint of heart @Calliemomofgirls. Best wishes for your daughter’s surgery and recovery.

Sending good mojo your way, @Calliemomofgirls! You’ve got this! – From another CC parent that gets to deal with scary life stuff.

Thanks for the lovely words of support. DD isn’t sharing about the heart issue widely in real life. (although she will have to soon when she leaves school! but we’ll cross that bridge then…). Anyway, outside of a few key people, no one knows about this. (Perhaps this is even why i shared it here? At least to say it somewhere, to acknowledge the situation.)

Anyway…thank you for the thoughts, prayers and kind words.

J15 will keep my mind focussed on something else, which is just as well since there is nothing I can do while we await various medical results!

Sending prayers & support to you @Calliemomofgirls !