Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@Calliemomofgirls please do share! In my experience, at that age our kids are not too keen on letting outsiders into their inner world of struggle with questions of longevity. A couple of years ago, GK2 received an award from the Kids Wish Network that honors children who have faced life-altering circumstances with bravery and courage, often enduring a great deal of pain. He wasn’t proud or happy; he felt exposed and resented the attention. But we, the parents, do need a willing ear and friendly shoulder for our own pent-up scare of uncertainty. And strangers are sometimes the best! Friends often feel uncomfortable, and understandably, because what we get to deal with makes their concerns about teenage acne seem small and petty. Strangers can just listen. Please do let us know how the surgery went, and how you are holding up. Hugs, and hugs, and more hugs! :heart::heart:

Thanks @GoatMama (and all) for the wisdom and kindness. We will share more widely once DD has processed it a bit more. She is really scared and just needs a little time. I have shared with my own small support system – my closest girlfriends – but it’s not shared at the wider community level yet. Surgery isn’t for another month or so, but I’ll let you know.

@Calliemomofgirls sending a zillion hugs and prayers your way…

Best wishes to your daughter @Calliemomofgirls — that is certainly a lot to handle, and puts other things in perspective. I do hope that your daughter has or finds a supportive group she can lean on, and you as well! We parents absorb a lot of emotions and need support and an outlet.

Thinking of you @Calliemomofgirls and sending healing vibes your way. I have found that this is generally a pretty good safe space to share and we are here for you. Speaking of which, did anyone see that great essay on medium written by a much older Yale freshman ( a vet) about the importance of safe spaces in academia? It’s called “My Semester with the Snowflakes” by James Hatch and it was really wonderful

I bawled real ploppy tears reading “My Semester with the Snowflakes.”

That was great. Thanks for the article.

@Calliemomofgirls wishing all the best for your girl. Do keep us posted on the outcome of the computer based SSAT; I’m curious if there will be a noticeable difference in the outcome. Now, how to wean oneself off of CC for a couple of months?!

My friend’s son has a class with the Yale vet from the article. He signed the card that’s pictured there. :smile:

@chemmchimney, thank you — that is a wonderful article. I just sent it to my son.

All the best wishes to you and your family @Calliemomofgirls Many Hugs <3 <3

@Calliemomofgirls Wishing you all the best, and strength for the journey.

I enjoyed “My Semester with the Snowflakes.” Thanks for sharing.

I havent’ been on CC much in recent weeks, but popped in to this thread I started years ago…glad it’s still active and helpful! @Calliemomofgirls…thinking of you and your family.

Thanks for the kind thoughts @SevenDad!

We are literally in the middle of college choices: one at CC, one a Senior in HS with some acceptances, and one 10th grader. The level of competition and number of applicants is mind boggling.

For perspective, here’s what going to a top boarding school got you 40+ years ago, and a comparison with the same school’s Class of 2019 matriculation.

Note that for the “old” numbers some of the acceptances are the same kids so the totals don’t add up, while the 2019 # is actual matriculation. Also the Class of 2019 was 50% larger. So this is kind of an apples to baseballs comparison.

College / Accepted  /  % accepted / # Matriculating in 2019
Harvard 41 38% / 9
Yale 32  50% / 13
UPenn 28  ? / 14
Princeton 21  51% / 7
Johns Hopkins 20 91% / ?
Rochester 20 77% / 1
Stanford 18 40% / 7
Duke 16 67% / 2
Cornell 12  43% / 9
Dartmouth 10 29% / 5
Brown 10 33% / 2
Columbia 6 55% / 7
Wesleyan 8  44% / 5
Williams 7 30% / 7

MIT 6 60% / 7
Amherst 5 38% / 4

The current acceptance rates for some of the same schools with high acceptance rates of those applicants back then…

Johns Hopkins 12.8%
Rochester Institute of Technology 66%
Duke 10.6%
Columbia 6.1%
MIT 8%
Princeton 4.9%

I just want to say, I love how this Prep School area has gotten away from the usage of acronyms (I shall not name them :sunglasses: ) that used to be rampant here a few years ago! Step in a positive direction.

Agreed @doschicos!

The good news, @Garandman, is there are many more colleges not listed where your children will get an excellent education. But, yes, it is much more competitive both for prep school kids and just overall -greater percentage of people pursuing a 4 year degree, more international draw, more draw from all corners and SESs of the country, more population period ( around 67% in the USA since 1980), etc.

DH and I needed a big martini after reading the NYU alumni blog (both past faculty there). Hard to believe the statistics for applications. Early Decision topped 15K applications.
