Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Sorry but y’all aren’t helping this V form momma’s angst! ?

Sorry @ that @buuzn03 - the 19th hole is always open down here should anyone need to vent with us…your coconut cocktail, garnished with an umbrella, is always waiting for our CC parents!?:golf:

And, remember, statistics are just that, they aren’t YOUR kid. All of our BS students seem to find their way to those colleges that are perfect for them. I have yet to read (or no one has posted) any tragic or truly disappointing college admissions stories here.

And, yes, as @Golfgr8 indicates, cocktails are a pleasant way to wile away all forms of BS stress.

(If you go back to page 132, post 2637, on this thread you can enjoy the discussion of signature M10 cocktails, but relevant for college admissions, too.
Or just search for posts from @PhotographerMom and “cocktail” to make sure you don’t miss any of the times this thread has bellied up to the bar.)

@ChoatieMom i just received an email from DSs CC regarding schools he is considering. Ummm -service academies are listed. WHAT!!! He’s never mentioned this possibility to us. I’m an Army brat, so all for it…but I may need to belly up to your bar for bartender counsel.


Service academies are great for reducing the cost of college, but after that…? Maybe that’s why they showed up on his list?

^I don’t think it’s a financial reason for him. Because we haven’t broached that subject with him. I think that’s why I’ve been posting/getting info about it…so I can be informed and prepared before we have that conversation.

Well, it will be interesting to hear why he is considering them. It’s a brutal way to get through college.

Actually, not shocked at all. When I graduated from high school ( private but not BS). Honors kids with mostly A’s and a couple of B’s went Ivy, B students went to BC/ Tufts/BU and C students went to Northeastern (mainly as commuters)or state schools.

We also have to remember one good thing. Kids now apply to tons of schools and many will have multiple acceptances.

Both my nephews were waitlisted ( one at NYU @Golfgr8 ) last year and ended up in their schools of choice as things worked out. It’s stressful but also good that there are more options for kids than ever.

Sometimes I do feel like a bottle of champagne will be in order for each milestone.

@buuzn03 my DD just finished up with the entire process applying to a SA! I completely support whatever choice ends up making, it’s the only school she’s waiting on at this point. She applied to 12 schools and was accepted at 11…it’s the only one we’re waiting on. Depending on the outcome, I may need some drinks myself over the next 9 years!

One good thing about the SAs is that the day you drop them off, they belong to whichever service they are entering. You are OUT. O.U.T. They are fully emancipated and you have no more authority over or responsibility for them; they belong to the government lock, stock, and barrel. If you think that’s just an artificial construct, think again. They receive paychecks and have their own insurance and wills and guaranteed career paths. You will not be allowed to be any part of their student life. You will not help them with any course selections or even see their homework (honor code). And, there will be parts of their military life they can’t even share with you. You are basically a guest in their lives from that day on. It takes some getting used to, but it’s kinda freeing. Feel free to PM as I don’t want to take this thread down such a specific hole.

Oh, about those nine years. Including his time at the academy, our son is conscripted to 13 years, plus three additional in the reserves after he leaves. Just depends on where your cadet/mid ends up, and your kiddo won’t have complete control over that.

But, hey, it’s all good right? Perhaps we should circle back to those signature cocktails. Kamikaze anyone?

@RuralAmerica congrsts to your DD!!
@ChoatieMom that’s a harsh and drastic change. I’m not sure how you did it.

I just wanted to say, as a family of recent immigrants, thank you for raising your children so well and we need as many bright, ethical people actively shaping our country as possible. Although I skew pacifist, I would be so proud if any of my kids decided to go the SA route. I suppose I am really feeling it today after what happen to Lt. Cnl. Vindmin, and his brother.

Since I’m currently off my Sangria with Prosecco kick… which lasted much longer than I care to admit- I suggest copious amounts of vodka mixed with Bittermilk No 5.

The mix is Charred Grapefruit tonic and Bulls Bay sea salt. Add a small amount of soda water and a wedge of lime. It’s delicious!

Bittermilk No 3 Smoked Honey Whiskey Sour mix is also amazing. I use Bulleit Bourbon and make it lighter by topping it off with Prosecco. Don’t forget to add an embarrassing amount of maraschino cherries - it’s the best part. :slight_smile:



So today is ChoatieLT’s 23rd birthday. (He was 14 when I joined this site. Yikes!) We were having dinner with friends last night, and while the men were enjoying their bourbon and cigars around the firepit, kiddo texted his dad with pics of him and his buddies playing poker for bottles of fine bourbon that each of the young officers had contributed to the pot–and he was smoking exactly the same cigar as his dad at the same time. (Apple, meet tree.) Evidently, we’ve taught him well as he cleaned up and walked away with a bottle of Dalmore Cigar Malt (OK, it’s a scotch but matured in American white oak ex-bourbon casks and is delicious).

How far he’s come. Well done. Happy birthday, son! :slight_smile:

Happy birthday LTChoatie!!! Enjoy! ???

He’ll always be Choatietoddler to me. :wink: Hope it was a good one and good job, mom!

Happy belated ChoatieLT!

Happy birthday to CHoatieLT! @ChoatieMom was in her first year on CC when I joined and Chimneykid1 turns 22 in June. Time has flown!

This year’s Freakout Thread seems eerily quiet now that applications are in…