Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@buuzn03 I noticed that too. It’s given me time to look over some older threads…

Maybe this class isn’t as anxious as we were?! I think it’s become more “chill” each year since the 21’s applied. Maybe they are all texting each other or have their own group chat now?

I’ve noticed a lot less students posting each year. Parents seem to dominate.

Having the Prep School Forum more challenging to find since the website overhaul probably doesn’t help.

Huh. Perhaps seeing parents post toxic comments toward one another (and permitted to do so) has created a less inviting environment for teens looking to put themselves out there to get advice. Gee…I wonder.

Could be.

I just figured kids have more options for info and community, and here every question has already been asked and answered.

There are only so many times someone can say or hear “cast a wide net” before they get cranky or bored.

I also feel like more and more parents post just to have their views confirmed as opposed to posting to have a question answered or to hear other opinions?

In the past, it seemed that a lot of threads were shut down because the question had already been discussed. I certainly get the point of doing that, but the tactic might not be as useful in this forum as in the larger groups because there really aren’t that many new questions that can be asked. And of course all parents think their questions - like their children - are special LOL.

Plus, the search function on CC isn’t has the best. :slight_smile:

Maybe people think that an answer from several years ago might not still be the same answer?

? Good one, @one1ofeach! Love it! (Unless you didn’t mean it sarcastically.)


I did!

(and then I though, hmm, people aren’t going to see how I meant this)

I mean, do kids ever really grow up or are adults mostly kids’ brains in bigger bodies. My kids still ask the same question over and over again trying to get a different answer. I mean, my mother does the EXACT SAME THING if I give an answer she doesn’t like the first, second, third time…


Although it might be helpful if there were concrete suggestions… And of course, that’s only possible if people are open to thinking about why they’re considering BS in the first place.

It seems a lot of people begin and end with “Harkness!” (Maybe we should do a study of how they react after reading A.S. Neill’s “Summerhill”.)

Or, “I want the best!” (<- Like there is a magical school that is all things for all students?!)

“I visited and fell in love with the campus <3 !” (There are many beautiful campusses. Some are hilly. Some are flat. Some have old buildings. Some have new buildings.)

I think people are too impatient to read through the threads that exist. They want the “drive thru” order of
“Hi—let me have my chances, a few suggestions of similar schools and how do I get off the WL”.
Instead of reading those threads and researching their answers. After all, their time is valuable and shouldn’t be wasted.

Just an update: it has been a long long day but we are safely in the ICU after the DD3 open heart surgery. I can’t stop crying from gratitude.

Glad to have a place to distract my thoughts while I sit here and watch my precious girl sleep.

@Calliemomofgirls Sending positive, healing vibes to your daughter and a virtual hug to you. Glad to hear things went well.

@Calliemomofgirls thinking of you and your daughter! So glad it went well.

@Calliemomofgirls , sending our best your way. Hoping it’s a swift recovery.

@Calliemomofgirls So glad it all went well! Big hugs to you and your family

Prayers for your DD and your entire family @Calliemomofgirls . Thanks for sharing the update. Hugs to all!

@Calliemomofgirls Sending out good thoughts to you and your family. Glad it went well.