Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I don’t know, @CaliMex. These are tough decisions. The fear is that current Level 1 and 2 countries way become Level 3 and 4 while the students are there, and then they’re stuck and can’t come back home.

I can understand erring on the side of caution by schools (liability and bad press are not wanted) but I think it is a bit of overkill. If it becomes widespread, it becomes commonplace. We can’t quarantine the world.

I’m honestly a bit nervous as well. My daughter’s asthmatic so… I’ve spent way too much time in Pediatric wards from when she was a child. Thankfully she hasn’t been to the hospital in a couple of years but you never stop worrying you know. Ireland doesn’t have any cases of coronavirus yet but I’m wishing you and your kids luck on their travels.

Cate’s spring break starts Saturday. Kids from China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and maybe Japan aren’t going home. They have been taken in by other Cate families.

Hopefully this sorts itself out by Parents’ Weekend in April. I feel bad for the families who can’t see their kids. ?

I do think there is a healthy dose of irrational panic happening, but I also have lots of immunosuppressed people in my life. I would rather err on the side of washing my hands a lot. If curbing international travel helps, it helps. I am cool with listening to the CDC on that front.

In my mind, better to have a bit of irrational panic now than a big dose of regret later.

@CrackersCrayons - share the same fears with my asthmatic kiddo. Worried about air travel and now worried about summer program overseas - kids from around the world in dorms. Has anyone had any school travel programs cancelled yet?

Yes, several school programs that were supposed to run over March break were cancelled.

Yes, trips to Italy and China were canceled some parents pulled their kids out, and I don’t blame them. My D would never have forgiven me if I pulled her out, currently, there are no cases where she is going so I’m letting her go. I’m making her take the nebulizer with her.
@Golfgr8 I’m guessing your kid has had it pretty bad too with asthma. I never stop worrying as well.

@Calliemomofgirls I’m happy for you and your family and wish your daughter an easy and speedy recovery.

My daughter is studying in Paris this semester. Luckily, she traveled in northern Italy before the panic started.

Back to the Hulu comment…I have not seen High Fidelity yet, but since someone here in this thread got us addicted to Killing Eve, will have to check it out. Has anyone seen Amazon’s new series Hunters? I think that will be our next addictive series ??

Does anyone know of a good summer residential SAT “camp” or “jail”, I can send kiddo to? I have tried to look online and can’t find one except in NYC that is $$$. Duke has one during the day. If anyone is satisfied with their summer program for SAT prep, please DM me or answer here.

Interesting article from the Washington Post…


Keeping the spirit of miscellaneous alive and well: DD is home from the hospital and doing great! The stress is over. (The pain isn’t, but honestly it’s incredible to think what she was doing one week ago today!). No need to reply – don’t mean to clog thread with something applicable only to me – just wanted to give an update since so many of you sent such lovely wishes.

Woohooo!!! That’s amazing @Calliemomofgirls ! I’ve anxiously been awaiting an update! Hugs!

@Golfgr8 thank you for posting this article! I would love to believe that I am the kind of mom who focusses on character more than achievement, but this is a reminder that what we say and what we do may be at odds sometimes. (e.g. – have I perhaps gotten too excited about certain schools with DD and put more weight on M10 than I realize?) I mean these as reflective, rhetorical questions – I’m not sitting here feeling like I’ve parented poorly. But it’s powerful to read about the impact of these underlying, sometimes even hidden, attitudes.

Particularly powerful words from the article:

Three values focused on achievement (to attend a good college, excel academically, have a successful career) and three on character traits (to be respectful, helpful and kind to others). Researchers also collected data on perceived parental criticism, mental health symptoms, rule-breaking behaviors and grade-point average. Adolescents who believed that both of their parents valued character traits as much as or more than achievement exhibited better outcomes at school, greater mental health and less rule-breaking behavior than peers who believed their parents were primarily achievement-minded, the researchers found. Those who fared the worst reported their mothers placed a higher value on achievement than character, and were also critical.

Thx again for posting.

Sending virtual hugs to you @Calliemomofgirls with good wishes to your girl upon return home. Thanks for sharing your update!!

@Calliemomofgirls I’m not a poster on this thread - I felt like maybe it’s a group that kind of already know each other and I didn’t want to cut in - but I have read of your daughter’s surgery, and I am so thankful that she is recovering well. She (and your family) are in my thoughts & prayers. I’m so thankful you have the supportive community here to help you through this. Sending kind thoughts your way.

@LeeLeeB we were all new to this group at one time or another, so please don’t feel like you don’t belong. We’re glad you’re here!

@LeeLeeB not at all! Delighted to have your comments in general and your kind thoughts about the surgery.

Thanks @ buuzn03 and @Calliemomofgirls ! You all are a good group of people. :smiley: Without CC, we would have NEVERE EVER even have known about BS! It’s super unknown in our region (…or at least our social circle?). I stumbled upon CC on a google search over a year ago, went down the CC Prep School BS rabbit hole, which led to our first of three flight to the East Coast, our son having his first snowball fight, myself and my son being in major East Coast cities [for airports] for the first time (and in small towns for schools), and here we are, awaiting M10 for our oldest! Crazy ride. We’ve grown so much as a family, and he has matured & grown so much as a person just through the search/application process - I wouldn’t trade it for a thing!