Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Just returned from a fun weekend in Boston for the Crash B’s. Our entire family was there to cheer on a friend who was racing, but what made it really special was both boys being pulled in as floor coaches at the last minute. K1 was first to get snagged ( K2 half laughing : Dodged that bullet… ), but then I noticed a coach nearby with a very nervous looking family and a rower staring at an oblivious- half asleep K2 and sure enough he came over and asked.

Game ON.

These poor kids… no idea what they were in for… and then the families came over and we invited them to sit with us. We watched as my kids took their kids to the opposite side of the venue and sat down . K1 - talking nonstop- hands everywhere the entire time - which is his way . K2 must’ve said all he had to on the way because as soon as they sat down, he took his headphones off from around his neck and placed them on the young man’s head- and nodded off. We are now one hour away from the warm up pen and the parents are freaked because (a) they’re newbies and ( b )they have already witnessed a lot of puking and people being helped off the floor.

Finally, with the moment of truth fast approaching, the mom of the kid K2 was "coaching " ( because his eyes were now closed, too ) asked about the headphones- what is he listening to with his eyes closed ?? My husband: Music- and my best guess is it’s something with bagpipes or Promontory- you know- The Last of the Mohicans. Mom- Oh. Over and over?? Me: Yep. He’s putting it into his head before the race. It’s how he meditates and visualizes a race.


My husband ( with the burning question everyone is dying to ask ): So… what is your son’s (PR ) time?

Around 7:00- is that good ? Me- before any of my dimwit family members can answer : He’ll be fine! ( To myself: K2 is going to kill this poor child- what the heck was his coach thinking?? ).

They’re in the warm up pen now ( after stretching and warming up outside the venue ) and K2 is suddenly very much awake- tweaking the kids form a bit ( okay- a lot ) and very animated- while also getting the celeb treatment and a lot of attention from fellow coaches who were shocked to see him… Shaking a lot of hands, etc. The kid must’ve been thinking who is this guy coaching me? LOL

Nap obviously worked wonders - he had just flown in from LA. K1 didn’t realize K2 was coaching in the same heat so once THAT reality settled in … you could see the old intensity and the competitiveness between brothers ramp way way up. Here we go - just like old times when they raced against each other in BS and during the summer months . K2 to K1 at one NEIRA on the dock : After I kick your a**, I’ll buy you a tee shirt. Fun- and I’m sitting with these poor unsuspecting families! Yay… just looking around for all the exit signs. Erg assignments turned out to be VERY far apart. Phew. Like in a different country apart… Thank God.

So the race finally begins… and K2 sets a good solid pace on the high side, but not completely unreasonable. ( My husband- also a rower in his day was flipping out - too fast, way too fast!! What is he doing?? before my sharp elbow shut him up ) K1’s kid takes the lead immediately and then backs off- fluctuating wildly all over the place before settling solidly into the top 5. K2’s kid (slowly at first ) starts pouring it on- building and building - stronger and stronger ( I’m starting to hear Promontory in my head now - you can see it ) -even getting a notice from the announcer for ticking up while others were fading away fast ( which was a real thrill for his mom- I know- I’ve been there. Nothing like hearing your kid’s name ).

Everyone is screaming - so excited for this kid who came into this with roughly the same time as a girl in an average SS FB. Results overall- K1 kid Top 15 ( who was almost 40 seconds faster than K2’s kid going in ) . K2 kid - Top 30 (!!! ) with a new PR of 6 and change. Not only that but his kid beat the FB kid his actual coach was coaching. Just thrilling- and then the kid’s legs buckled and he puked in a nearby garbage can - just missing K2 - who was rubbing his back - beaming. You’re fine… Really. LOL . :slight_smile: As we were getting ready to leave - K2 was offered a coaching job ( which he declined, but if screenwriting doesn’t work out we have a fallback, people ! ). He did give the kid his contact info if he needs anything- which was nice . Mom here isn’t even sure if I have his correct contact information… so that was kind of huge. Kidding.

The whole day and experience brought me back to another time ( which I was NOT expecting- at all ) and I was reminded how precious those SS years really are… BS rowing / Club rowing and that age is simply the best- it’s really magical- just magical. Savor every single moment. I also highly recommend this sport to all the new kids entering BS next year - Yeah, it’s a difficult and very demanding sport, but the returns are lifelong, meaningful and sometimes very powerful and unexpected . There’s nothing quite like it. The people- the life lessons- everything.

And the memory of watching K2 hugging and parting ways with his young man ( who was literally scared out of his mind earlier in the day ) … and the smile on his face when K2 pulled out a newly purchased Crash B’s tee shirt from his backpack and handed it to him - First boat this spring, baby- You can do it . OMG- I almost cried. NOTE: K1’s kid did not get a tee shirt- which sadly should surprise absolutely no one.

And I have no doubt he will. He got the K2 “Promontory” treatment.

K2 ( home visiting for a few days ) has stayed away from rowing for quite awhile now- much longer than I ever thought possible . He has talked a lot about selling his boats since college - or avoided the topic entirely - sometimes rudely. Needless to say, I was shocked when he departed for the BH before the sun came up this morning - he went down to workout with his old Club coach and he took his single out on the water. A little while ago he sent me a text saying a seat opened up and he’s going out again in an eight with some Masters after cleaning his boats and lunch with his coach. According to K1 who texted from work - K2 asked him to take their double out this weekend. I responded with- just tell someone to bring back the bodies- it’s a joke - kind of. :wink: .

I know my fellow CC parents / rowing parents ( who know the K2 story from the Class of 2015 Thread ) understand what was lost and know what I’m feeling right around now, so I thought I’d share… Perhaps this is a sign that he’s finally ready to forgive himself so he can return and maybe rediscover something he once truly loved.

IDK for sure, but I think the young man he coached last weekend just might’ve sparked something and inspired him somehow . I guess we’ll see… fingers crossed - and like always- thanks for listening. :slight_smile:

That’s an awesome story @PhotographerMom! It was DS’s goal to be there this year but with health setbacks it looks like rowing is a no go this year. Luckily he is light enough to cox and will hopefully learn to love that, too.

Ah, puking. The memories. Yes, magical. As I’ve posted many times, crew was the single most important thing ChoatieKid got out of BS, way above academics. Day one of BS, he saw the rowers, grabbed his gut, and said, “I want to look like THAT!” He started at the bottom of the heap and ended up near the top of the varsity roster by senior year — and earned that pink uni. :wink:

Congrats to both your boys, @PhotographerMom. We miss K1 and K2 stories here.

@buuzn03 - I thought I saw his school there and I’m so sorry to hear about his health setbacks!! Hey- coxing is a great gig ! :slight_smile: Hope he gets better very soon!!

@ChoatieMom - The pink uni is a huge accomplishment and choatiekid absolutely rocked it! Those were the days!! :slight_smile:

K2 came home and said that after a long discussion with his former coach, he decided to sell his two singles ( his beloved starter boat and his beautiful custom Empacher )… But ( wait for it ) he’d like to take the proceeds, reimburse us for 2020 insurance and BH fees and order a new Empacher , insure it and take over BH fees moving forward - so who can argue with that? So funny- he was trying to hide it, but even though he’s still incredible shape- he was moving veeeery slow last night… Haven’t used those muscles for awhile… LOL. Anyway- I believe we have the makings of a fresh start.

On another vastly more important Misc. Ramblings musical note - he’s working out at home right now to The Merry Sisters of Fate- Lunasa- ( house is vibrating like the good old days ) which is an amazing album and Photo-fam fave . Highly recommend now that we’re approaching Saint Patrick’s Day :slight_smile: My favorite song on the album is Donogh and Mike’s. Definitely worth a listen- turned up very loud , of course!


Sssssssshhhhh. ChoatieLT may be getting a used single for Christmas this year. He has been eyeing the Savannah River longingly. He hung up his oars after his four took gold at the New York State Collegiate Rowing Championships his sophomore year to focus on academics and competing on the Cyber team. He misses those days on the water and says he’s saving up. We may just help him… :wink:

I go out grocery shopping and I come back to ChoatieLT getting a boat? That is sooooo exciting!!! I’ll tell you what- when you see one he likes- grab it fast !! The BH already found buyers for us which was somewhat expected, but still crazy fast. Yay!!! I am so excited!! I love it.

So funny- K2 seems perfectly happy to part with the Empacher ( his body has changed so much - so what he’s doing actually makes a lot of sense ), but now he’s getting very sentimental and has cold feet about the starter boat - a fully restored Vespoli ( the most beautiful deep- deep blue color you have ever seen- you probably know the color, @ChoatieMom ) which has been sitting in BH storage unused but insured since 2009. He said, IDK… I went through a lot in that boat and won my first race in it… maybe I’d like to give it to my kids someday …

OMG… here we go. Is it Five O’clock yet?

Remember how liberating it was to clean out our kids rooms after they went off to BS? OMG- the best feeling in the world- right !!! Major purge! No kid around to say- Don’t throw away my childhood !! Not my Pokemon cards, you monster ! What are you doing with my Beanie Babies? I want to save those things for my kids!! I kept the unopened Furbies in their original boxes though- I’m not complete idiot :wink: That’s kind of where I am right now except this time- it’s a boat.

Anyway- Woohoo, @ChoatieMom !! I am so excited to hear about what he gets - and all the fun details!!

@PhotographerMom I can only just barely begin to decipher what you’ve been talking about, but maternal pride comes through loud and clear, always a lovely thing.

^ LOL - so it isn’t just me deciphering? I am tempted to look up the boats! @PhotographerMom - it sounds like the best kind of day for a mom possible. How great for your family!

@CateCAParent Me: Oh! it’s a boat!

(but my cluelessness didn’t stop me from enjoying the story – how great to hear about your kiddos, @PhotographerMom!)

ChoatieKid lived in a blue Vespoli. For those not familiar, an Empacher is a Bugatti compared to a Vespoli. An Empacher is a thing of beauty and equivalent to a year’s BS tuition–at least. He will NOT be getting one of those. I may change my avatar for a few hours so you can see him in a Vespoli…

(It’s too small, but it says Vespoli at the bow, “All for the Corps” at the stern." This is a pic of his West Point crew in an eight, but his four had “swing.”)

(Oops, bow and stern switched. Been too long.)

As I am squinting to see @ChoatieMom 's profile pic (and really enjoying everyone’s crew stories) I am so wishing we could post some photos in here. Feels like CC is still using dial up compared to all other social media.

Yeah, you really can’t see anything, but it was fun going through those old pics.

Love the new avatar, @ChoatieMom!!! Vespoli’s are great ! The fun part will be naming it!!! We named our Vespoli single Goat - because before it was restored, it had been dropped twice, hit the rocky shoreline a few times and hit the dock… way too many times and by the time K2 inherited it after SD and K1 - it squeaked down the river and was held together with chicken wire- and I’m not even kidding . We restored it as a backup boat for emergencies, but we never had one so it just ( sadly ) sat there. :frowning:

I think our waitress last night thought we were selling an actual goat. Do I look like a goat trader? No. I do not. I got a couple of- how can you be so heartless looks - like - Let your son keep his goat, lady! LOL. IDK- I just want to see it on the water and used , but it looks like he’s going to keep it.

Deliver me.

After that was decided he saw this really pretty girl he knew and got up and went over to say hello. I look at my husband and ask - Why do our extremely tall sons always gravitate towards very petite women? Every . Single . Time. Husband not looking up from his phone but knew what I was thinking… ( such a PITA ) - Do you have a tape measure in your purse- should we go over, introduce ourselves and measure her now? K2 returns to the table with a big stupid smile on his face and my husband says: I’m sorry, son but if you’re going to keep Goat that young lady won’t do. Evidently, your mother is now demanding that you produce amazon rowing babies for grandchildren.

Long ride home for Photodad. So bad. :wink:

You guys are always so patient with me when I get going. XXOO Thank you!!

At what point of the Goat convo do you tag @GoatMama?

No, not raising or trading goats either (although I’ve been asked that on CC). :slight_smile:

OMG- LOL. I’m laughing so hard right now, @GoatMama !!! :slight_smile:

GoatDad, on the other hand, has named our pets after his musical instruments, so no one ever knows if he is referring to the dog Banjo or to the banjo banjo. (And they make about the same sound, too.)

OMG. Both of y’all tell the best stories! @PhotographerMom I really miss your presence!

@GoatMama i was ready for someone to tag you, too!
In other news…we brave the risk of corona to visit colleges starting tomorrow. I have Lysol, purell, airborne and masks at the ready!!! I only wish I still had access to a HazMat suit. I wouldn’t have to worry what to wear on the plane!

My heart-patient-recovering daughter just yesterday wanted to play Goat Simulator on Xbox and had to convince me that it’s actually, really a game where the whole point is that you are a GOAT. A real goat.
So, sometimes a goat is just: a goat.
(Thx, Microsoft.)

Anyone here remember yo-go, or goga? It’s yoga with pigmy goats. Seriously.

Our neighborhood Cat-fe, cat cafe, is a home of 20+ cats you can attend cat-yoga classes with, or just pet while sipping your catpuccino.