Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Goat yoga is totally a big thing (still).
I want a cappuccino with a goat now.

Hey Sports fans, Deerfield has cancelled all domestic Spring Break trips and sports trips, as well as Revisit. Looks like most schools are now cancelling revisits…hey, has anyone been able to get a non-fee cancellation for airfare? I hear Jet Blue is waiving fees. What are your experiences?

Lots (all?) of airlines are waiving fees for changes.

We just got charged $ 150 by Delta for cancelling our school trip. Bummer.

I’m so sorry to hear that @Golfgr8 . UGH. :frowning: I have a long and painful love - hate thing going with Delta and this just adds to the hate part. I feel so badly for you and everyone who has to cancel their trips. My sister just cancelled her big trip to Europe yesterday and she is so bummed, too.

I feel like we should have a CC cocktail hour very soon!

Thanks @PhotographerMom …feel badly for the kids. It’s not easy for teens to have to give up something they have been working hard for and looking forward to.

Does anyone have news @ spring sports being cancelled or delayed? Club team cancellations in their area?

I am at a soccer showcase in Delaware this weekend. Two more in March are still on. Everyone around here acting normal, no changes I can see.

FWIW…we usually volunteer in Orlando this week for the golf tournament but decided not to because @ concerns being in big crowd, big hotel, etc. for 4 days.?

We were at a sporting event last night with a bunch of friends from other BSs, most seem to be proceeding with spring training and pre-season so far. People also are traveling as usual, though not to affected areas. And my older kid went to senior night basketball game at her college last night, in a completely packed college arena.

We now hear of a few boarding schools cancelling spring training over break.

We are supposed to hear about our spring trips today, but I was at the hockey game last night and heard from a teacher about other schools cancelling. I too am starting to think about summer team and events. I was just about to register DS for a couple, but I’m just not sure now.

While others are canceling trips, I picked up a couple of $50 round-trip tickets to Orlando for me and my son. If I catch Covid-19, I want to do it at Disney World. Incidentally (and in keeping with the main topic of the thread), we recently adopted a dog. She is very good at being a dog, unlike our previous model, and she and I have been getting along fine. Yesterday, our son came home, and the dog fell in love. Crazy romantic love. It’s really a wonderful thing to see…but I fear she will be heartbroken when he keeps leaving her again and again.

Our spring trips are cancelled …but was just on other thread where someone is hearing that a couple of boarding schools have told students to prepare for not returning after break.

Should we start a new thread with a list on school cancellations or delayed returns to school for Corona virus, or Just post it all on the the March Break-Corona Virus thread?

^. What a nightmare.

So many questions if that comes to be.

Just got an email from Mercersburg to expect a formal email tomorrow about the action plan. Our kids are due back March 16th, sounds very unlikely that they will be returning on time.

@twinsmama Congratulations on your new additino. What type of dog?

@twinsmama - Good call on booking and congratulations on the new addition !! Honestly- I think we all should book a trip to Disney after today.

M10 can be such a heartbreaking and maddening day sometimes. Ugh.

Watching to see what happens with colleges. Midd and Amherst… ugh. Praying DS’ school can keep it together through graduation!

We should all go to Disney!

Duke closed today (moved to on-line learning). Emory making an announcement in next 48 hours but I suspect they will also close and will move to on-line learning along with all the rest. But I confess I don’t see how closing campuses and sending kids home to urban infected areas is helpful?

They then become not the school’s problem.