Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Haven’t been on in a while. . . (missed you). . . chiming in to share that Choate, who actually sent their rowers to FL for Spring training(!), just pulled them all out of Tampa this morning.

Immediately following that, the Head of School sent an email estimating that students will return on 4/6–however he definitely left the door open to the potential return date being pushed back.

We are in the midst of college tours. Duke is today. They did not cancel us-thank goodness, because we are already here, but will stop tours as of Friday. Vandy canceled on us but we will still go and luckily, my niece will give us a private tour. (She works for the school).
DSs preseason trip was canceled yesterday (it was supposed to be in TN); so I had to change his flight home which cost an additional $300. The good news is we get an extra week with him.
We already figured if the needless panic continues, we will forge on and self-tour as best we can.
Oh…and we started this trip with a day in Disney! EPCOT’s flower and garden festival was fabulous!

My college kid is staying on campus for upcoming spring break (which the school is making possible) for fear that if he leaves, he won’t be able to come back without quarantine or at all. Sad to not get this break with him but I think he made a smart decision.

@carpoolingma She is a 24-lb mix. Tricolor like a collie or sheltie, no tail like an Australian shepherd dog (or more likely the mini version), and huge bat ears like a …bat.
My daughter’s large, urban university is all in a tizzy about whether to shut down. Luckily she is not there this semester. So far my son’s smaller suburban college is remaining open; I don’t think its closure would matter much from a public health standpoint.

My sister called me to say we’re invited to tea at our two sister Aunt’s senior living facility this afternoon - which is actually more like a Five Star Resort ( sign me up ) before they shutdown visitors this weekend for the unforeseeable future.

Translation: Popov vodka ( ugh ) , a bowl of popcorn and an Uber ride home.

I love how this generation rolls. You live through multiple wars and after awhile everything else - including a life threatening virus- is a party.

My husband: Eat a sandwich or a loaf of bread before you go. LOL.

@buuzn03 I was wondering how your college visits were going! I’m glad you are getting at least some of them in. It’s definitely an eventful week to be doing visits. Good luck with the rest of the trip.

I’m planning to spend some time alone, now that I have 2 kids with ASD, life is about to get more interesting. I’m not complaining though, my kids are great! I might let them spend some time in Boston with their grandma for a bit, but otherwise, it has been tears all night as her brothers don’t want her to leave. It’s funny how much they hate each other until they realize one won’t be there anymore.

@twinsmama Sounds adorable! ??

These kids who can get into very selective BS but can’t follow instructions on a decisions thread…

@gardenstategal lol!

@gardenstategal every. Single. Year. ?? and I can imagine it’s safe to say the same questions are being asked about the wait list…
@PhotographerMom it seems the vodka party might just be the perfect spot!

Turns out a vodka soaked afternoon at Seniortopia was exactly what I needed!

It looks the DS will finish his senior year of college online from home. Hoping that commencement will be in person.

Heart breaking for these kids who were really embracing their last few months together and aren’t even sure if this is a final good-bye.

DS is home through mid-April, and possibly longer. He is so upset about missing Senior Spring and all that goes with it and, most importantly as you said, the friendships.
So sad for them all.

I have a sad college senior heading home too just as soon as she defends her thesis. Boo.

Looks like I will have 3 unhappy kids living at home this spring as all classes are now online. This is In a new town, where they know nooone. And I will also be working from home as my office just emailed us to let us know of the change. We are still in a 2 bedroom airBNB for a few more weeks until our new home is ready. Crazy how fast life can change in the blink of an eye.

We need a dislike button. I hate that this virus is disrupting milestones in our kids’ lives. Hugs to all of them who are in their last days but have to finish out alone.

Can I just say, misery loves company. Glad to be going through this with all of you. And at least I am in my own home! @vegas1 situation sounds insane.!

My kids are heartbroken. Despite neither being seniors, both have close friends who are. my daughter was in tears yesterday about missing her last semester with those friends.

Yes, it is good to have this forum, as these are truly high class problems. I think it’s okay to be understanding of the situation and yet hugely disappointed. DS1 doesn’t yet know his official plan post-break, but DS2’s LDS announced last night that school is closed (but online) Indefinitely after their break ends.

The kids are probably taking it better than I am (for now), but they are insulated from most of the economic/market concerns.