Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Wow @buuzn03 that’s terrible!

St. Paul’s will stay open during Spring Break for international students who have nowhere else to go. Same for our local BS where my other child is a day student.

^^ George has international students on campus for spring break and thereafter as well.

I think, but am less sure, that my son’s college is doing the same.

Although I might want the option that includes home-cooked meals and golf!

Peddie had international students on campus who couldn’t go home for spring break and continues to have them on campus now as well. :slight_smile:

Cate is opening up their campus too. We offered to take kids if needed. I told my husband we could pack them in like sardines. ?

We offered, too. :heart:

The Cate students are organizing into geographically based “pods” - so they have a mechanism for staying connected and checking in on each other. From the fire experience, they know how isolating this can be.

Everyone in the greater Bay Area is in a pod, whether they live here or are displaced. From what I understand, a prefect took it upon himself and assigned kids into groups of about 8, and it isn’t based on who is best friends or grade. Each pod is a mix.

Putting this out there because it is a wonderful idea that other schools can use?

Salisbury has international kids on campus who couldn’t go home, and helped other families make arrangements in the US. I believe kids currently on campus can remain as long as needed (students are currently scheduled to return 4/13, but who knows).

Last Sunday I was talking with one of DS’s freshman year teachers at the hockey game (which turned out to be the last good news!), and she said she wished they could have just kept all the kids on campus and gone straight through with 3rd tri. A week ago, no one knew better, but it seems that might have been the best situation! Particularly at a school that’s pretty remote, I feel that on campus, the kids would be protected themselves and wouldn’t be interacting with the general population. It’s hard to imagine when and how the decision will be made that we’re at the point where normal activity can be resume.

I guess we are very lucky that DS got an email on Friday that his SAT site was closed, as it wasn’t listed on the web site. Friday was the day that many CT school districts announced upcoming closures, so it’s not surprising but SUCH a drag for kids who showed up

My college kid (a senior known here as Chimneykid)has had a change of heart and is coming home and defending her thesis via Skype. They just tested two kids at her college (one from her complex) and are waiting for results. Evidently even if the CDC is on your campus, results are slow! She is frustrated because none of the students are self isolating at all. Her college has given kids a week to return from break, pack up, and leave by the 23rd which was perhaps not the best plan as kids are traveling two directions. Did I mention the CDC is on campus?! She had an Ultimate scrimmage today followed by a team party! She opted not to play. Chimneykid says she does not want to be in the history books beside her peers who neglected to follow the guidelines. As they say at NMH “Don’t be that kid.” She was in New Orleans and Mrytle Beach this month so she was in the mix with everybody until very recently but she now sees the writing on the wall. I’m proud of her and of course sad to see her senior year end this way. Now is the time for our students to shut down any social gatherings they may have planned. sniff sniff

We reached out to our elderly family members ( like everyone else ) over the weekend ( not living in Seniortopia ) to get food shopping lists and offered to make Pharmacy runs, pet store runs, etc- you know- basically offering to do anything that would ease their minds and to let them know they’re our number one priority going forward.

My kids are all home ( hunkered down with us ) so I sent them out to hunt and gather while I stayed home and cooked my go-to " I’m so sorry this happened to you " meal for everyone for another doorstep delivery later that day.

K1 texts from the road after his first delivery : Aunt so and so is all set, but she said she needs a size medium silk slip without lace - thoughts?

No good deed goes unpunished… :slight_smile: .

This is where Amazon comes in handy. :slight_smile:

I took care of it online already after speaking to her on the phone. She doesn’t shop online for anything because she goes to the Department Store for everything!

K1- Not my wheelhouse. :wink:

I also have to admire K1 and K2’s critical thinking skills before setting out on their adventure. Fully aware of what they were going to encounter locally, they identified the nearest least populated town and got everything they needed fast and with ease.

I probably would’ve done the exact opposite because that is how I roll . :wink:

One positive so far has been that DS has finally gotten to do some independent driving (after getting his license in September). I have been so nervous. But I sent him to a local (closed) school to play wall ball, which he can’t do at home either on the siding or the garage doors (which we just replaced due to DS2’s hockey damage) or the rebounder (that he put a few holes in). So he’s finally getting out like a big kid, and I am coping pretty well.

Omg. Y’all tell the best stories!

Photoland Quarantine Update :

After only 24 hours of total family togetherness , K2 said he’s going to start making his alliances now.

Survivor: Covid-19 version.

Forgot how much food we go through when everyone is home!

Photodad just took out the garbage and we all yelled Good Luck !! before he closed the door.

And just like that, in a matter of 72 hours we now have fully operational telemedicine services complete with billing codes - after years of pulling IT, EHR, HIPAA, and insurance teeth and cutting through proverbial red tape. I wish I had something smarter to say than “when there is a will, there is a way.”

Just got a text from the friends we had dinner with 3 days ago that their son has a fever…he’s getting tested. Sigh. And the wait begins.