Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Pretty interchangeable, I’d say. They just don’t make 'em like they used to. Sigh. :drooling_face:

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Gimme some Jon Bon Jovi! I mean, it was all about the hair, wasn’t it?

Back in the day, I was Team Shaun Cassidy. Dreamy.


You guys are making me LAUGH!! I was kind of anti-disco in the 80s . . . Personally I found Roger Daltry swoon-worthy then:

As for my vodka (I don’t own a distillery) – the thing that makes it different is the subtle botanical flavor from a blend of flowers. I live on a farm and board retired horses, so our tagline is “From Farm To Fabulous” –


It’s still all about the hair for me. DH says his are holding on for dear life as I once told him I’d divorce him if he ever went bald. :rofl:

I want to live @cinnamon1212’s life. :heart_eyes:

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Yes, Roger Daltry circa Woodstock had quite a head of hair too!

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But missing the critical chest hair.

I didn’t know threatening hair-divorce was an option for maintaining man-locks.

Dammit. Too late now. :older_man:

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It’s all good, except when it is -10 with windchill and you are nursing a broken shoulder (as I am) and you have to go out and feed . . . (i.e. what it is like today!). However, here is the idealized version:



PEONY vodka! What does THAT taste like? (puts in cart to find out)

Oh, boo! Spirits can’t be shipped to AZ. :frowning_face:

Wheat vodka! What does that taste like?

It has a naturally slightly sweeter, smoother taste, which is why we went with it. (side note, all distilled spirits are gluten free).

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If D gets into Millbrook, I will have to swing by for a drink!


I know – now we are back to @dadof4kids point about each state having different regulations, which started this whole discussion!

The flavor is very subtle, which means you can sip it on the rocks and it tastes better than a plain vodka, but it also literally mixes with everything (like a plain vodka). We grow the peonies on the farm:



You all watch The Bee Gees doc? SO GOOD.

Also, you’re dead to me if you put fruit on pizza. Dead.


Sadly, the only one of the 4 still alive.

Peony vodka sounds wonderfully weird. I’m gonna have to try that. When I go into a restaurant or sit down at a bar and I see something that I’ve never had, or even better or something that never even occurred to me as being something people would eat or drink like peony vodka, I immediately order it.

On that note I can’t get it either, but I can get things shipped to me from other places. Are there other outlets that carry it out just Arlington Wine and Liquor?

Also I found these at the local liquor store. It’s a bottle with a bunch of dry ingredients in it, and you add your own vodka. This one goes really well with Raising Cane’s lemonade. In fact, since I got it out for the pic, I figured I might as well finish it off so am having some right now!


Yes, other stores in NY carry it but most stores don’t ship. Probably some of our retailers do, but I’m not up on which ones do what. If a store won’t ship to a state it’s usually because of the receiving state’s laws.

Ok, I’ve found several NY liquor stores that will ship to me but I can’t find one that carries Three Meadows. My guess is that my state doesn’t order enough for Arlington to pay to ship there. I don’t blame them.

Assuming the world becomes unbroken at some point in the future, I SHOULD be there a couple of times a year and can just actually grab a bottle.

Have I mentioned how much I hate Covid? Now I can add this to the list, I can’t get this vodka because I’m not traveling like I should be.

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