Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

We applied to several schools, with financial aid request from all. I remember from virtual meetings about FA, Loomis for example, was clear, there can be three decisions - acceptance with FA, acceptance without FA (even if you applied for FA) or rejection. With one school where he was accepted, it was acceptance without FA. With another, it was acceptance with very minimal FA. I reached out to the school that gave minimal FA about a review / appeal and the process seems very lengthy with no certain favorable outcome.

Each school has their own methodology for deciding FA. This is our first foray into the boarding school world and what threw us off with the FA decisions is the complete disconnect between some of the estimators schools like Hotchkiss and Choate have and the reality. But it is what it is. Our kids go to private school now and pay close to $60,000 a year for both kids and we were willing to up to pay up to $20,000 on top of current school tuition. We were very clear with our son about it before we started exploring boarding schools. We have assets earmarked for college even if he were to become a doctor for example, but not signficant income to support boarding school without selling assets. We simply are not willing to do it and be in a position for college where we have to rely on scholarships or give up on my son’s first choice (assuming he gets in) because of high tuition. Does it make sense to give up on a current known choice for a future uncertain choice? I am not sure. My son is disappointed a little but he has the option to go a reputed local private high school and his disappointment I hope will be short term.

I have a lot of catching up to do on CC before we apply for colleges in three years’ time :slight_smile:


What has happened to this thread???


I beg to differ: if they reeeeaaalllly want an applicant, they prioritize aid for that applicant, even if the applicant’s need is over 90%. That has been my experience and observation.

If you are waitlisted for FA, they want you - there were just higher priority applicants needing FA that they wanted more. It is possible that if one of the accepted FA applicants decides not to commit, they will have FA available for you.

Actions speak louder than words. Love the school that loves your kid.


I wonder if schools take into consideration the assets you have, not just the cash savings or annual cash flow.

Yes. Assets, including retirement accounts, are considered.

I could be wrong but this was our conclusion as well.

Someone make it stop!!!


Here here!

Can we instead talk about this great track by Bruno Mars and Anderson Paak?


Bruno Mars is great in person. We saw them in the time before.

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Love Bruno Mars! Thanks @SevenDad !!!

Sorry. I’m incapable of being cheery.


That made me laugh out loud. That is something my DD would say. Thanks, @stalecookies, I needed that laugh!

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I’ve asked @skieurope if he can move the FA appeal discussion to a new thread so we can get back to general life musings. :wink:


Users asking FA questions will be better served asking on a different thread.


I like Bruno Mars too ?

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@ChoatieMom , you deserve a drink. You’ve been working overtime!

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You, too, @gardenstategal.

It’s raining here in AZ, so I’m enjoying the unusual weather on the patio listening to the chatter here. :cloud_with_rain: :coffee: :blush:

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As someone who went to college on a Pell grant and now has the ability to donate to my kids’ school, please understand that most donors are donating in dribs and drabs out of gratitude and if you want to send your child to BS or a private day school without sacrificing your investments/501ks, etc, then I would hope that the schools would be good stewards of my donations and not allocate funds to those who chose to invest elsewhere (retirement, 501K, etc). I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but from what you’ve written, it sounds like you do have some funds - “we have assets earmarked even if he were to become a doctor”, but chose to allocate them elsewhere (which is 100% fine and your choice), but asking for FA also has repercussions and expecting others to subsidize other kid’s possible MD career is unfair. As @skieurope said in another post, this isn’t their first rodeo and I suspect the “estimators” keep things vague to keep you invested in the process.


Dropped kiddo off for spring term yesterday…her room was disgusting. There is clearly a reason most BSs don’t normally allow 14 year olds to have mini fridge’s in their room. Returned to campus this morning to drop off a box of baking soda, which will probably go unused. Any chance messy kids get less messy over their 4 years at school?

And to keep the thread on topic…we stopped on the way home to grab a Grimaldi’s pizza for dinner tonight. It’s not a NY slice (our favorite), but it’s the closest we have here.