Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Whoa! The freakout thread really exploded this year!!! 3.6 K posts.

Last year only made it to 1.7K .

2000 of those posts are from the last 48 hours.

I wonder if anyone has gone through and cross-referenced UPS (etc) notifications with acceptances. There seems to have been a whole lot more kids claiming advanced notification than got accepted.


This is my Post March 10th apple martini - it is a “slushy” - made with crushed ice…tastes like a Jolly Rancher! Add a drop of Mindori liqueur to add some green and a tangy bite (not shown here, however).


Bravo, @Golfgr8! But let’s be clear – if it doesn’t have an olive, it’s not a martini. That’s a cocktail. Looks delicious! :+1:

What’s everyone else drinking?


Maybe a lot of people ordered shirts, to paraphrase @CavsFan2003 .

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I’m afraid that I’m drinking the KoolAid. :flushed:

You’re more exotic than me.

Sparkling water and cranberry juice is as sophisticated as I get.

I received one notification on M8, which then materialized into acceptance on M10. I got accepted into two other schools, but hadn’t received any notifications from them.

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no notifications, 4 acceptances.

Hi @Meisan and congratulations on your DD’s acceptance to Kent! We are a current Kent family and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. We are thrilled with the school and all that it has provided for our daughter. Please don’t hesitate to reach out, and if you don’t have enough activity to PM, simply reply here and I will PM you instead.


Childhood friend and his five brothers went there. Literally some of the most decent and grounded people we know. One of the reasons son applied there. Great school.

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One advance tracking number that was confirmed with package and acceptance. One other advance package that included acceptance. Eight BS acceptances, including two schools that posters claimed packages from, etc. We had no notifications and the packages we received were not posted until the 10th.

WL at Andover so can’t report on UPS. I did sign up for Fedex late on M9 after seeing waves of reports by the freaked out kids. Saw the package showing up at around 6pm.

I would love to hear more on the FA question too.

My daughter was accepted to her #1 choice, but waitlisted for FA. (and yes, I’ve seen some discussion about what WL for FA means, and the kids aren’t reallty accepted, or they misunderstand the letter, but this isn’t true. We have an acceptance letter, and a separate email from the AD stating that we are accepted but WL for FA and we received the acceptance box as well as a call from her interviewer congratulating her… she really was accepted!)

How do people suggest we go about appealing or trying to get more aid, or even get any aid? One school gave her 0 aid, another gave her a wonderful FA package, and the 3rd WL for FA. She is happy to go to the school with the wonderful FA package, but it was not one of her first choices at all. Any advice would be great!!

Here are some discussions from the archives while we’re waiting for others to chime in:

Successfully Challenging a Financial Aid Decision

FA Negotiations Post M9

Financial Aid Appeal

Financial Aid Appeal Question

It might be better to start a separate, more visible thread for this question.

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My daughter was accepted to three schools. One, her first choice and what I thought would be the best fit for her, gave her significantly less aid than the other two (read: close to $30k less). I called yesterday and spoke with the financial aid director and was told “they just use a different formula” to calculate aid and we were welcome to appeal but it would likely only yield $5k max. The conversation left me convinced that it was not the right place for her and she would be better off at one of the schools that very clearly wanted her to attend.

So while there is a formal appeal form, everyone on here always says to love the school that loves you and this was my formal education in that!


From all my years reading here about FA, it seems that most successful appeals are in the single-digit range unless something was wildly and demonstrably off about the EFC.

Maybe I’m wrong but I’m not sure if we can draw the conclusion that this school want you less than others. It could be that the availability of funds is limited and they do have a different formula. From the schools perspective maybe this is really the best what they can do, and they still like you very much. Maybe no less than others.

Of course from the parents perspective it feels differently and it makes perfect sense to go somewhere else over the $30k.

Maybe we should just thank the schools for the things they do for us and don’t blame them for things that they are “supposed” to do for us. At the end of the day schools don’t owe us anything.


In this case, the school repeated throughout the application process that they would not accept a student if they couldn’t meet demonstrated need because they didn’t want to create a situation of offering admission and the parent having to say no for financial reasons. Instead that is exactly what happened.

Their offer was $20k above our SSS EFC. Everyone had the same numbers. It is hard not to see it as an empty offer of admission. This is our oldest and our first time applying to anything so perhaps this is typical, but we felt a bit duped :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Why would they issue empty offers? It only hurts their yield with nothing to gain.