Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

My kids are required to clean out their refrigerators and defrost them for 2 days before they leave I think?

I think they had the same rules for kiddo…she did unplug it, she just didn’t do the cleaning out part. Sigh.

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Groton sent my kid a box of cards in his acceptance package. It was as if he had never seen them before. Now my son has discovered card tricks to share on game night. Serious question. Will they revoke his acceptance?

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I can only say that with boys, what’s gross and what’s not is oddly random. Bedding has gone into storage unwashed, for example… I didn’t have to witness the refrigerator decisions once he got to college. But I’d bet he only put cans and bottles in there…

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If he sticks to card tricks, he’s fine.

The high stakes poker games are another story… especially if he gets caught card counting.

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Are you sure that isn’t a biology lab experiment??? Either way…it is now!



I thought the military might do what Choate couldn’t. Sad to report that not even the U.S. Army was able to accomplish that mission.


AO, a conspiracy theorist version :slight_smile:
Every time I hear ‘Putney’, I recall this scene…
Draft Day (2014) - I Want My Picks Back Scene (9/10) | Movieclips

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There is a new Instagram site “school of rejects” - or type it as all one word - that is trashing many boarding schools. This is inaccurate information and not in the same inside-humor tone as the originator “Twines and Vines”. Has anyone else on here seen it?

They have all of 16 followers. It isn’t remotely funny and yes, there are MANY inaccuracies. It reads like a kid who got rejected everywhere trying to make themselves feel better, in the age of social media. Ignore, and the account will die soon.


I checked it out after you posted about it here.

Clearly sour grapes, by an ignorant applicant who only applied to those schools. Given the quality of the humor, it’s obvious why they were rejected everywhere.


Ugh. My daughter just received a congratulations and welcome from the director of boarding life at a school where she was WLed. I am sure this was an error. Fortunately she was admitted to another school she likes. I wonder if it went out to the wrong list and a bunch of disappointed students received it erroneously.

Was it Concord Academy? I received a similar email and was waitlisted at the school.

Yes it was CA. I have emailed to confirm it was an error but I haven’t back. I’m expecting an apology email any minute.

I got the same email,they just apologized.Kind of got my hopes up for a minute

That is a really big mistake to make! yikes. I’m sorry for the momentary high hopes!


I’m pretty sure it was just a joke. Everyone copes differently.

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Well, duh, it’s an attempt at a joke. But it’s in poor taste and shows a certain lack of character.

In this age of social media, one would be wise to not create such things. They sometimes have a tendency to resurface later with adverse consequences.


There is a new post on that account…directed at CC parents.

Please share. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: