Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>I agree with PhotoMom, Stargirl. Fear not, your future is bright! </p>

<p>I agree with PhotoMom too! :smiley: ¡Gracias!</p>

<p>It’s finally raining here in Northern CA. Weird wet stuff has been falling from the sky for a few days now. I took friendlydog out for his morning walk just now and he stopped on the porch and gave me the “this again? You’re killing me” look.</p>

<p>Seems weird to say, friendlymom, but I hope it keeps on raining! </p>

<p>We went out to dinner with friends last night and there was a lot of (Ivy and big college) ED buzz coming from the Hidden Gem community. </p>

<p>I’m just curious… Does anyone else talk about CC topics/threads with loved ones? Do they look at you like you’re crazy? </p>

<p>I do all the time, @PhotographerMom! My mom is developing the “oh, she’s talking about CC again” face.</p>

<p>In fact, she’ll probably hear about this post. :D</p>


guilty, as charged… </p>

<p>When CameoKid wants to change the subject in a given conversation, she’ll ask “so, what’s new on CC?” </p>

<p>My kids read CC, especially my son (who is always hounding me to post, so this is for him).</p>

<p>In fact, I just mentioned PhotographerMom to my husband yesterday – we had just seen the Airstream Bambi pull-trailer. I immediately thought of this thread. LOL</p>

<p>LOL, london. Last night we were relaxing at home with laptops up. He was responding to email and I was on here. At one point I tried to get his opinion on something and I got the cold glare over his glasses. Don’t judge me, Photodad! </p>

<p>CC is my only outlet for BS talk. We have zero BS parents in our social and work circles. None. Zilch. Early on, I don’t know what I would have done without CC. So, yes, ChoatieDad and I talk all the time, but he doesn’t hang here. He knows I’ll fill him in on anything interesting. ChoatieKid OTOH wishes I would just get out of here already. He’s tired of his friends telling him what new example I’m making of him. I tell him to consider it a public service and get back to his books.</p>

<p>I didn’t start being ThacherParent till my kid was out. The shame would have been too great otherwise. As it is, he just shakes his head at how “blogging” about boarding school could ever be so interesting. My wife writes it off to a “hobby.” I admit that I find it relaxing and fun.</p>

<p>And addicting! :)</p>

<p>My DS finds it hysterically funny that I’m on this, although I believe he foolishly assumes I never talk about him </p>

<p>RuralSon knows who I am, and I believe he occasionally reads my posts, so I have to watch myself. (Have even thought of trying to find an alternate identity so I could be more forthright in some cases.) And yes, I do discuss some of the interesting threads with RuralDad. He just nods indulgently, and goes back to his National Geographic.</p>

<p>My kid has people ask him from time to time if his mom is classicalmama, but I think he completely denies any knowledge of me or CC. He’s given up asking me to get off though. I told him tartly that given the $$$ and sacrifice of time with my kid, my community of like-minded parents is not too much for him to put up with. </p>

<p>^^^Sing it, sister!</p>

<p>My kids know I’m on here…but neither one of them is a CC member yet (thank goodness). Older daughter has been asked if her dad is SevenDad a few times over the years…I think she’s confirmed my ID to the interested parties. Younger daughter was with me at an open house this year when someone asked “You’re SevenDad?!?” after some back and forth about CC. Pretty funny.</p>

<p>Now that 7D1 is entering college search process, I’ve dipped a foot in the general parent pool…but honestly take some comfort being among the BS parents I’ve built virtual (and some IRL!) relationships with over the years.</p>