Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>I have a rule for movies/programs: I don’t watch anything where people are mean to other people (does not include CC). So I should never have gotten past the first episode of Breaking Bad. In fact, the very premise of the show kept me away. However, I read that Anthony Hopkins, who I respect tremendously, said it was some of the best acting he’d ever seen, so I peeked. I still can’t fathom how I made it through, but there it is. Still shaking my head and feeling guilty for images I will never be able to erase.</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom: That is a very interesting litmus test for media. I have a similar one for FB “friends”. If people post too many things about “how stupid other people are” (it’s amazing how many posts by so many people are of this type, no?), they get defriended or “hidden” very quickly. </p>

<p>As for media, I happen to LOVE the films of Danish director Susanne Bier…and she tends to show things as they can be in real life. And unfortunately, people can be quite mean in real life.</p>

<p>Yeah, that “litmus test” has left me stranded outside the popular culture. I don’t do Facebook or Twitter or any form of social medial besides e-mail and CC, and we haven’t had cable in over fifteen years. Anything I watch is via Netflix over AppleTV. I don’t think I’ve seen a live commercial except as noise on a bar or salon TV. I would probably be a good candidate for a deprivation experiment. Ha. I was at a friend’s house Sunday to enjoy food and friends while the Super Bowl was on. Had no clue who the half-time show was and left as it got started as I had already met my calorie limit in finger food. I’d like to say that my time is more meaningfully filled without all the technological distractions, but here I ramble on CC…</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom: Unfortunately I toil in the world of marketing/media…and probably should have watched the Super Bowl!</p>

<p>BTW, If anyone is looking for a movie to watch, please check out “After the Wedding” by Susanne Bier. Some mature themes, but nothing that isn’t covered in one of Stephenie Meyer’s books.</p>

<p><a href=“After the Wedding Trailer - YouTube”>After the Wedding Trailer - YouTube;

<p>I don’t have a TV. </p>

<p>Well I do, but it’s one of those big fat ones and my mom won it in college in the '80s.</p>

<p>However, I just (probably illegally) watched an episode of Psych on this computer. </p>

<p>Glad so many of you liked Breaking Bad! I loved it too, but when I expressed my enthusiasm, friends & coworkers just sort of mumbled how they thought it was too dark and twisted. So my husband & I just enjoyed it on our own.</p>

<p>I’m only on the first season of BB, but really like it. I look at it as just a guy pushed to the edge, trying to help his family, pretty much the only way he knows how…apparently Walt turns into a monster by the final season.</p>

<p>I enjoy the guilty pleasure of watching Walter White make chemistry look bad@ss! :ar! </p>

<p>Sherlock fans…just watched the final ep of Season Three. Almost as good as the wedding episode, but I found the ending a little tacked on/unsatisfying. I mean, I know they were going for a cliffhanger, but this one was was not as good as the one at the end of The Reichenbach Fall.</p>

<p>7D, i can’t wait to live in an apartment again. But i go even further. I don’t even want to have to own a car. I want an apartment, with a doorman, in a city with good public transit. The only problem i see in my plan is my 7 foot piano that MUST come with me.</p>

<p>Apartments in NYC are too small and expensive so I’m thinking Montreal, with winters in New Orleans. A girl can dream. </p>

<p>We lived in a high-rise on Michigan Ave in downtown Chicago for a few years sans car, and we lived in a brownstone in the Back Bay in Boston for a while without a car. Both were great experiences while we were young, but I want my garden and warm weather. Because ChoatieDad travels so much, we get by on one car now. Once we retire, it will be a small electric car and bicycles a la Mr. Money Moustache. (If you don’t know him, Google.)</p>

<p>I’m in a lounge at the airport ready to go somewhere, anywhere, warm. I’m so sick of this snow and cold weather. I’ve complained to the family that we should downscale now that the kids are out of the house but I guess that complaint fell on deaf ears. They must be used to my Bxxxhing during this time of year. </p>

<p>I don’t mind the rough weather (note that we do NOT live Detroit or Chicago).* As one hardy client mentioned to me today “It’s called Winter”. What I mind is all the associated costs of home ownership…especially for an older rural home. I used to say (loudly and often) that I’d never live in a development, but I may live to eat those words.</p>

<p>We lived in NYC for a bit…until 7D1 was 2 years old. It was easier to do than you’d think, because you just pop the kid in the stroller or sling and walk out the door. No car seat to load or car to get into. And real estate prices wasn’t was insane as it is now. Even if we won the lottery, I don’t know that I’d move back in. Rather have an apartment in Paris.</p>

<p>FYI, I could never, ever, be without a car that burned petroleum.</p>

<p>*It should also be noted that we have not lost power nor had any pipes freeze this winter (yet). If we had, I might be singing a different tune.</p>

<p>My retirement plans? Depending on how things go… it will be this: <a href=“http://www.airstream.com/”>http://www.airstream.com/&lt;/a&gt; or a cardboard box.</p>

<p>My retirement dream comes with a video, too!! <a href=“Live Riveted - YouTube”>Live Riveted - YouTube;

<p>If this airstream thing can go on water (boat, cruise ship, etc) I’m in. :x </p>

<p>Airstreams are awesome. The town I went to college in had a “trailer” park called “Land Yacht Harbor”… only for Airstreams (well it was back then anyway)! I had to talk my husband out of buying the adorable little one…And, from what I read, they are de rigeur for Hollywood actors on-set…the cool points are adding up, PhotoMom!</p>

<p>You guys will have to drive out to visit me and sip cocktails on the veranda at sunset as I HATE driving in any form and will do ANYthing to avoid it. I don’t care what the vehicle is. Driving ranks up there with having blood squirt out my eyes and tapeworms eviscerate my innards. God love ya. But you’re all welcome to drive away from the cold and crash here with me and ChoatieDad and enjoy dining on the patio in January; My idea of nirvana is a good book while curled up in a porch swing with a purring cat kneading my thigh. If ChoatieDad offers me a very chilled beverage with an olive and a plate of pate and crackers along with some fine conversation, I’m pretty sure there is nothing more to wish for. Except maybe ChoatieKid bouncing in for a hug.</p>

<p>(Wish I had my MA veranda and a porch swing back.)</p>

<p>Remember that penny you saw on the floor at the bank? That’s my college fund. </p>

<p>And I’m not even half joking.</p>

<p>Stargirl- I don’t think the lack of a college fund will deter you in any way. When I read your posts your intelligence and determination jump off the page. I think you have an amazing journey ahead of you. I think we all admire your perseverance and grace. I think a lot of wonderful colleges will, too. :slight_smile: </p>