Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>I’ve had a few people (outside the family) ask if I’m PhotographerMom and I looked at them like they were crazy. Works every time. But if someone really had me on the ropes and insisted I answer, I would totally throw my sister- in- law under the bus. </p>

<p>ha! brings back memory of outing “ops” in the SAS admissions lounge when he was down for the wrestling tournament during kid’s senior year . . . a few pleasantries and he was nailed . . . that’s what you get for writing 800-some posts! (btw, pbwy, ops)</p>

<p>Everyone knows I’m ChoatieMom. :(</p>

<p>So I was at a BS hockey game last weekend, and I ran into an old acquaintance and the subject of CC came up… And I had a hunch, so I asked her if she was PhotoMom, and she gave me that "are you crazy?"look… So I am still not sure… She did have a very nice camera. </p>

<p>Your new profile pic wins, GMT. How can something so wrong… be so right?</p>

<p>LOL CAMEO!!!</p>

<p>(Sadly, it wasn’t me. If you were to tell me you’re Cameo, I would confess in a heartbeat!! :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>Where is London? I wanted to tell her that I ordered and sent the popcorn to the boys for Valentine’s Day. With the storm coming, I hope it arrives on time. The Saint Bernard with the whiskey barrel was extra. </p>

<p>More snow predicted for Thursday. Moved my flight up to tomorrow morning instead of Thursday. I can’t take the chance of getting stuck in Chicago and missing part of College Info Weekend. You guys would laugh at what passes for my “winter” gear. And boots? What are those? I just hope the school can keep the sidewalks clear.</p>

<p>Safe travels to all heading east.</p>

<p>I’m here! Will keep fingers crossed for the popcorn! And Cameo: if you get to meet PhotoMom before I do, I will be super jealous. :)</p>

<p>ChoatieMom: have a good trip. If the paths aren’t clear just do the old trick of stepping in other footprints!</p>

<p>There you are! Ha!! Thank you so much for the popcorn recommendation- I know the kids will love it!! </p>

<p>ChoatieMom- Safe travels tomorrow and take London’s advice! Walk in the footprints!!</p>

<p>So London… want to race to 500 posts? I’m shocked I almost have that many and judging from my HP absolutely none have been considered “helpful”. </p>

<p>I’m not competitive at all. Look we’re tied!!!</p>

<p>It just shows how in sync we are. A meeting of cyber minds, if you will. </p>

<p>Safe travels ChoatieMom!
Just cover all your skin, layers, scarves, gloves, and some waterproof layer should work for “winter gear.” As for boots, I don’t like wearing boots much either. Anything with good grip will do. Besides the Bean boots are out of stock so too late. Mocs will do. </p>

<p>ChoatieMom - have a great trip! I’m not sorry to say I’m heading in the opposite direction: from snow/cold to sun/warm! Heading out to Thacher to visit S and take in the Winter Musical. They’re putting on “Anything Goes,” which should be a blast! Just need to dig in the back of my closet to find something to wear besides flannel-lined jeans, boots, and bulky sweaters!</p>

<p>friendlydad and friendlyson are heading into the freeze to visit friendlydaughter this weekend! I hope their flight makes it. I sent cupcakes for valentine’s day and they’ve already arrived - I keep hearing stories about the limited PO hours so I decided to send them a few days early.</p>

<p>Every year I get so sick of the winter, and by the time it comes again, I’ve forgotten how much I hate it.</p>

<p>After college, I’m so moving out west…</p>

<p>So, I leave a day early, and during my layover in Chicago this afternoon ChoatieDad calls to say that ChoatieKid is is on his way to Children’s Hospital with apparent appendicitis. It’s midnight, they are prepping him for surgery. :frowning: Just glad I’m here, but what a way to spend the weekend.</p>

<p>And, you’ll all love this–in great pain, ChoatieKid is on his laptop checking for his SAT scores due out today, but evidently not available at midnight. Really, CK?</p>

<p>Now I’m waiting for CK to come out of surgery. The world is asleep. It hasn’t started snowing yet. This feels so unreal. But, for you new parents who wonder what happens if something serious happens to your child, here it is. I’m living it. School infirmary took care of him this morning until they determined he probably had appendicitis. At that point, they called ChoatieDad to inform him that they were transporting him to the hospital. Of all the luck, DH is working in Hartford for a few months, so they transported kiddo to Children’s Hospital in Hartford instead of the Yale hospital where they normally send students who need more care than the infirmary can provide. School doctor has kept in touch, and CK’s advisor is acting as liaison with CK’s teachers. I’m spending the night in the hospital and will stay here (hospital/hotel) as long as he needs me. He will probably be back in class by Monday, but will have to ease back into his sport. Again, I’m just so glad I’m able to be here.</p>