Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>Sending get well wishes to Choate kid. Hope he feels better soon.</p>

<p>Best wishes to ChoatieKid for a speedy recovery! </p>

<p>Oh, ChoatieMom! I’m so glad you’re able to be with your boy. And I am glad that this was “just” appendicitis, and not something more serious. (I spent an overnight in the hospital with one of the kids when I was a dorm parent, he had appendicitis too. But I was a poor substitute for the kid’s mom, who had to fly in from Europe. ). Hunker down in that warm hospital , as the snowstorm is beginning… Glad you decided to travel early. My best wishes to ChoatieKid for a quick recovery. Tell him that everyone on CC will be sending good vibes his way!! I hope there’s an extra bed in his room…or at least a comfy chair you can doze off in.</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom Here’s to a speedy recovery!</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom, all the best to you and the CK:) He is such a wonderful kid, the way you talk about him, seems as we all know him by now. Good luck to you too, stay warm and find the place where you can rest comfortably after the surgery. </p>

<p>@choatieMom, glad the system worked and that you were able to be there with CB - wishing him a speedy recovery. What fortunate timing that you were already en route and DH nearby!</p>

<p>Best to you, ChoatieMom, and to CK. Glad you traveled before the storm! </p>

<p>Wishing ChoatieKid a speedy recovery and great SAT scores!</p>

<p>I am so very glad you are there. I confess I got teary as I read your post (but I am a huge sap). This is one of the parts I am not prepared for - I know the school will care for the kids, and I know things will be fine, but I also know I wouldn’t be happy not being on site. Speedy recovery to CK. I am sure he will be thrilled to know he figures so prominently in this recent spate of CC postings! (Haha… kidding!). Hope all goes well and that he is back on his feet soon. </p>

<p>PS totally unrelated, but has anyone found a way to get to this forum quickly if not bookmarking it on your browser? The old site was quite easy to use in locating specific sub forums. I have things bookmarked, but when I am elsewhere it seems cumbersome to locate specific places you visit. </p>

<p>PS. Look PhotographerMom: we are tied at 499. Let’s do this!!</p>

<p>@london203 They’re telling us we spend too much time here… haha</p>

<p>Wishing ChoatieKid all the best and a speedy recovery! I’m sure it means the world to him that you’re there. Keep us posted on how he’s doing!</p>

<p>Here’s a video that might cheer him up <a href=“Durham Academy Weather Announcement - YouTube”>Durham Academy Weather Announcement - YouTube; It’s been making the rounds all morning and it’s very,very funny. This is how you cancel school people!! ( If it hurts to laugh don’t show it to him)</p>

<p>Take care, CM. </p>

<p>Balloons did not cascade from my ceiling. #500Posts #Bitterdisappointment. </p>

<p>Well, London… at least we jumped off the cliff together. ( You won, by the way. Congratulations!!!)</p>

<p>Oh ChoatieMom, all the best to you and CK. I’m so glad to hear he’s on the mend.</p>

<p>I’m glad you were able to be with him, CM! I wish him an easy and swift recovery, and safe travels to you.</p>

<p>Wishing Choatiekid a quick and relatively painless recovery. Great to hear that everything went well. </p>

<p>@london203 @PhotographerMom I’m debating whether or not I should save my 1000th post for my decisions… I’ll have to go on hiatus…</p>

<p>@stargirl go on hiatus once you get to 999</p>

<p>I am saving my 200th post for decisions.</p>