Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>Thanks to all of you for your kind wishes. CK is doing much better now. ChoatieDad just pinged to say that the company he’s at is closing for the day so he’s headed back to the hospital. It’s snowing pretty heavily now. Stay safe everyone.</p>

<p>Be careful, because if you don’t watch it you may end up a spends-way-too-much-time-on-CC person like myself, with 2000+ posts. </p>

<p>But then again, this AM I saw some poster in the college forums with TENS OF THOUSANDS of posts…and I didn’t feel so bad. :-)</p>

<p>Weather here in the Garden State is nasty today. Just had a foot of snow, and now some freezing rain. And they are calling for more snow later today. While helping me clear our driveway and the cars of snow, wife made one too many references to that condo I’ve been mentioning…association fees here I come!!!</p>

<p>Heard from both kids today… they’re so done with Winter Term. Spring Break can’t come soon enough! </p>

<p>Hoping the smooth and quick recovery and great SAT score for ChoatieKid!<br>
What snow? here in the snowest state, I saw so many cyclists on the road out biking and enjoying the sun! </p>

<p>I hear that we had an April 1 blizzard in 1997–snow is never over in New England! :frowning: @SevenDad I already do spend way too much time on CC! :(|) </p>

<p>Stargirl, at some point back in the 1990s, we actually had a snowstorm on Mothers Day. And on Halloween!</p>

<p>We had a Halloween one just a couple years ago! Mommy says Mothers’ Day wasn’t as bad as April Fools. </p>

<p>That reminds me- I know someone who used to moderate. I will have to look and see if he is still active and how many posts he’s logged! </p>

<p>Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! Is there a ChoatieKid update? Just thinking of ChoatieFamily and hoping they’re doing well. Of all the weekends- you picked the best weather! We’re still digging out here in Photoland!!</p>

<p>PhotoMom: Surgery went well (routine), and CK is resting with us at the hotel, sore as you would expect, but otherwise recovering nicely. Thanks everyone for your kind wishes. We’re over the worst.</p>

<p>PhotographerDad surprised me with an overnight trip to Boston last weekend. The catch was driving through a wicked snowstorm to get there. The conditions were so bad Saturday afternoon/ evening and I’m used to driving in snow! I think I’m just an awful passenger… at one point I thought PD was going to drop me off at a rest stop. Happy Valentine’s Day, Dear! Get out of the car!! </p>

<p>So glad your son is doing well, CM! That must have been quite an adventure… </p>

<p>The SAS 2014-2015 Calendar was published…a bit sad that it will be 7D1’s last year at that great school. I feel that despite our relative proximity, we didn’t get to as many events (plays, concerts, games, etc…not that she was even in some of them) as we could have. Will try to attend more next year…but may have 7D2 in BS, too. Sigh.</p>

<p>Sighing with you 7dad…classicalson’s graduating this year, and I really feel sadness about the concerts and athletic events I missed. Not saying the trade-off wasn’t worth it…but we’re vowing to see more of his college stuff. </p>

<p>Would it help to know that your sighing makes me promise (myself) to go to as much as I can so that I regret nothing in 3 more years time. :slight_smile: great advice, as usual, SevenDad.</p>

<p>K1 was in a rare reflective mood when he joined us in Boston last weekend. Over dinner (and for the first time) he shared the highs and lows of his BS career ( six years JBS-SS). I kept wishing the evening would never end. I often wondered if he would ever share his experiences or at least offer us a glimpse. After all, parents have the school version of how things go year after year, but unfortunately the student version is riddled with holes. Somehow I pictured both boys filling in those holes twenty years from now… I don’t know- sitting on a veranda overlooking a lake…drinking a vodka tonic. Let me tell you what really happened Junior year, Mom… </p>

<p>It’s sad to see this chapter come to a close for K1, but it’s been a great experience. I’m so proud of him- it’s been a long haul away from home. </p>

<p>One down… One to go. </p>

<p>Just mailed next year’s contract and, like 7Dad and classicalmama, am sighing and wondering how it could have gone by so fast. I think we will miss the school more than he will. We plan to enjoy every minute of our (limited) time on campus next year as we’re sure his college years are going to be vastly different.</p>


@Choatiemom: That is so true! It does feel like DC moved on a lot faster than we did. :slight_smile: We do still feel like part of the school even long after the commencement. For example, I still can’t wait to read The Phillipian every Thursday night like I used to. It just goes to show how parents are so not “sending their kids away” when they allow their kids to go to a BS. I feel like we were there every step of the way for the four years while DC was there. In the end, the school holds such a special place in our hearts that we consider it another home of ours… Enjoy the last leg of the journey as much as you can!</p>

<p>Sevendad, I hope you don’t go into your usual 40-day break from CC. I want to hear how things go for 7D2 on M10!</p>

<p>I just wanted to take a moment to say how pleasantly surprised I was when I saw @Benley post on this thread. All I can say is- It’s about time. It took you long enough! :)</p>

<p>@SevenDad- There’s been a full moon casting a glow over CC lately. That’s all it is. :)</p>