Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Anyone looking at summer plans for our students or school-sponsored summer programs, global service, or research programs?

Are most of the prep schools planning on overseas trips or study programs this summer?

  • Oops - please note that I did not make the hyperlink above! Just asking about your school’s sponsored trips for summer study, exchange, and/or global service this year. THANKS

Today marks the end of my college admission process. After months of deliberation and a gut feeling, I committed to Caltech!!


Well done, @CavsFan2003, well done. You should be very proud of yourself. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your journey with us. We wish you all the best now, at CalTech, and in your future. :tada: :fireworks:

Don’t be a stranger.

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I am having so many happy thoughts right now. Good for you. Great for CalTech! :+1:t2::+1:t2::tada::tada::tada::tada:

Hooray!! Great choice!

Great choice. Good luck. :+1:

PA is definitely doing trips this summer though they are fewer in number/destination than usual. Our kids will be in a language immersion in Europe, though the program is run by a 3rd party. That said, the people at PA who more or less coordinate the trips do help facility this.

MX is not allowing spectators at the crew regatta this weekend. Seems a little over the top. It’s outside (obviously) and cases are low.


Wow. That’s disappointing. Also crazy cakes.

DA offering foreign language immersion trips this summer. Also the Jordan trip is back. Some global service trips and funded projects.

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MX has allowed spectators at sporting events both indoors and outdoors since February. This may have been a special request.

Oh heck my kid is still in school during the Jordan trip. He’s finishing a second year of Arabic.

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I have so much to catch up on!!
But I have a pressing question first - I know this isn’t the right place to ask but I also know you all will know where to direct me.
My youngest daughter (freshman in HS; not BS) wants to study a semester in France. Our local public high school does not have any official study abroad programs. But, they are supportive of her leaving for a semester and returning with a transcript. Adding complexity: our high school is on a 4x4 system so credits while away are going to be tricky to manage.
Any suggestions for resources on where to look? for programs, schools, etc. Ideally daughter would like to be in a program specifically for high school students.
(Side note: she does have EU passport so could theoretically just go to school somewhere for free in Europe if we set up housing, etc… but we would really like a full program if possible).
thoughts? Ideas?

That is interesting…maybe you’re right. At least they aren’t as crazy as I was thinking! But it’s a bummer nonetheless.

Maybe she should consider applying to United World Colleges? They have several boarding schools in Europe and kids attend for two years. Amazing experience since the country committees pick students from each country to be part of these international communities at each school. FWIW, college admissions officers love UWC kids, too…

There used to be a program in France through Middlebury college for summer language immersion,

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My kiddo has tee times
Not to worry
We have known for a while
But not in a hurry

We are keeping it secret
And to fend off the trolls
There are rude folks on here
Some real A…Holles.

We send our thanks
For your support in applying
Without your love
There would be no trying

Tee times in Scotland
London and Cali
Tee times with great teams
Who’s counting the tally

Thanks for all your support
CC Parents who knew
Kiddo played well in Europe
Known by only a few

Golf not only the sport
For our kiddo you see
It takes more than commitment
To aim beyond a small tee

Strong grades at DA
“Sauce” you 89
Our kid beat the curve
And did just fine!

I am called an elitist
Entitled and more
With golf team $
Call my kid a sports wh…re!

We might see you in Europe
Or maybe in Cali
Could be Chicago
Or in Carmel Valley :golf:

Whatever the course
Whenever the day
Please know our gratitude
You showed us the way!


Definitely take a look at Middlebury but a lot of BS have relationships with School Year Abroad. I am pretty sure you can work with them directly. There are both semester and summer options.

Yeah I was going to suggest SYA as well…


But it’s for a daughter not in BS.

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