Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@CavsFan2003 , what amazing options you have! Really happy and excited for you.

We’ll take the credit. :rofl:

But really, this was all you. Can’t wait to see what you decide.


Congratulations!!! And wishing you continued success whatever path you choose!

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You rock! Simple as that.


Long, long time since I’ve been here. My children will graduate from college NEXT MONTH. I’m feeling a bit nostalgic and lonely tonight, thus made my way back here and just skimmed hundreds of posts (mostly about masks and drinks, I think, not in combination, I hope). It’s been good to catch up, and I’m glad for the familiar names still hanging out here.


Great to see you, @twinsmama! Pull up a stool. Cheers to your exceptional children and congratulations to them and your entire family. Crazy how time flies, right? Of course, you’re not any older than their first day of BS.


Ha! Well, my mental age is still decidedly juvenile, anyway. I enjoyed catching up on ChoatieLT’s exploits!!

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@twinsmama OMG, how ARE you??!! Thinking of the twins - kiddo was just talking about H the other day. Sending our best to all of you. We’ve hit a few roadbumps ourselves, but all in all are happy and (mostly) healthy and looking to the horizon. Huge congrats on their graduation.
Hope they can connect with all their '18 classmates at reunion next year. Huge hugs to you.


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Hi @twinsmama, great to see you here! My son is graduating Mercersburg this May, and I think of you often! You were the first M’burg parent I spoke to when you called me as a prospective parent in fall 2017. It was only a few weeks later that I discovered CC and then found you on here as well. Congratulations on your twins upcoming graduations - such an exciting time!


Welcome back, @twinsmama !
Great to see you here!

Ah, that college graduation. Another exciting milestone of mixed emotions… Why the heck did those “What to Expect” books drop off so young???


@twinsmama ! I remember you from my oldest son’s parent board on here! Hello again - my guy is also graduating from college this spring. It was so nice to pay our last tuition payment a few weeks ago! Did you also join our 2018 parent Facebook page from CC? I can’t remember and I left FB a couple years ago so I don’t keep in touch with many people from there. I did get to meet up with a couple parents when they were in town on vacation, but that’s it. And now we have moved overseas so it is unlikely I’ll run into anyone again! :grinning:

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Thanks for the kind words, all! It’s been a bumpy few years, with the biggest bump being my husband’s death in 2020. But the kids are doing great, and I am fine. As of yesterday, both kids have jobs lined up, so at least they’ll have a paycheck while they figure out their direction. They’ll both be in NYC, so there’s even a chance they could live together for a while (a mom can dream, right?). They love their respective colleges and made the most of their time there. Both have made some great friends - and have stayed in touch with their Mercersburg friends, which warms my heart. I hope you and your families are all doing well!!


My condolences on your loss. :hugs:

Thank you @skieurope, and I hope you are doing well.

So very sorry for your loss.

Glad the kids can hop on a bus to come visit!

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So sorry for your loss @twinsmama :pray:t2:

Thank you @dramakid2 and @gardenstategal

I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad the twins are doing well and looking forward to life after graduation l.

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Thank you @parentofnicekid

My dd did not submit scores and was admitted. Granted, she did not apply to the most competitive schools.