Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

On an unrelated note: Anyone going to see The Specials in NYC this Friday? Just found out about the tour and seriously considering going…

@SevenDad I love The Specials…too bad the NYC show is a 22 1/2 hour drive for me! There is a show about 4 1/2 hours away though later this month!

Wife veto’d us going to NYC for show…too much going on over the weekend and I must have complained a lot about how tired/sore I was after the Prophets of Rage show.

But I encourage you (and all others who love ska) to make the drive to see the show closest to you!

Here’s a link, for those who need an introduction to The Specials:

You’re welcome.

A couple of cultural notes/worth-watchings for y’all:

Swedish/Norwegian Film based on a popular novel:

Enjoyable (for me, at least) film starring Viggo Mortensen…great use of a GnR “Sweet Child of Mine” cover (in film, not trailer):

SAS Grad and “the girl who made Pharell weep” Maggie Rogers has an official video to go with her song “Alaska”:

You’re welcome.

Thanks @Sevendad. Am always on the lookout for new (to me) music… will check them out.

I will add that Lady Gaga’s new album “Joanne” is terrific. Fewer pop/dance tracks and maybe even a hint of country!

And I have been enjoying “Westworld”… if you like that sort of thing. The soundtrack is amazing!

Oh… and I LOVE The Specials… they are still in my everyday music rotation… so would have gone had I been anywhere NYC!

Maggie Rogers is amazing!

Thanks for the suggestions, @SevenDad. Loved the book Man Called Ove so looking forward to seeing the movie. Also, a fan of both Viggo and “Sweet Child of Mine” so that movie is going into the queue as well.

Maggie Rogers has great talent and a great sound. I hope she can connect with someone who can help develop her while keeping her authenticity. Can’t say I loved the production value/artistry of the video but its a great song. Glad she’s developing a following and getting some good press coverage.

The movie of A Man Called Ove was really good. I went with my folks and kids and all three generations enjoyed it. So much so that we’re planning to read the book.

When she was at SAS, Maggie Rogers was indeed “that girl with the banjo”…but even then you could tell she was a special talent. I’m happy to see her enjoy some broader success and hope it continues. I think she continues to work with Pharell Williams…and seems to have been signed with Capitol.

If anyone does see either of the movies I linked to, please circle back to share what you thought.

I must remember to read A Man Called Ove!
So many people from so many different facets of my life have now recommended it!

Last night I was browsing Netflix and saw that they had the Susanne Bier film “After the Wedding” available for streaming. It’s one of my favorites, and I realized upon re-watching, that the character of Jorgen is played by the same actor who plays Ove in “A Man Called Ove”. Mind. Blown.

@gusmom2000 I received the catalog for this company and it reminded me of you searching for a Riddler blazer earlier on; no Riddler but other standouts abound; apologies if you are already familiar:


@AppleNotFar Just in time for the tacky holiday sweater parties. :slight_smile:

@AppleNotFar TAHNK YOU!!! He’s become quite the quirky fashionist(er?) this year, so I will most certainly peruse that for Christmas. We did find another company, http://www.chipchick.com/2016/09/14-superhero-suits.html, so I have an order in there. :slight_smile:

Wow! I just looked through the site. Some of those hurt my teeth. This is going to be fun!!

Non-sequitur, but I just finished “The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace”.

If stuff like “Hillbilly Elegy” and “Between the World and Me” interests you, put this on your list. Better written/more engaging read (at least for me) than “Hillbilly Elegy”, IMO.

Bribery question…Is a 3.979 close enough to a 4.0 for the bribe? Asking for a friend… :slight_smile:

Um Yeah. I think 3.979 is equal to 4.0

@gusmom2000: You want the Tiger Dad answer or the Panda Dad one?

Congrats to your “friend” and his/her child.

@gusmom2000 DH would say absolutely not, that would weaken the reward.
I say, it absolutely counts as a 4.0…but shouldn’t the intrinsic reward be enough? :))