Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Oooh, I am liking Rag N Bone man. Thanks!

Rubblebucket is fun as well… kinda reminds me of the feel of Talking Heads in a way (another all time fave of mine). Nothing direct, but a similary crazy, creativeness.

Keep 'em coming you guys! This is fun.

You all know I can’t contribute meaningfully to any music discussion, so I shared a couple of the earlier (non-Queen) links with kiddo and asked what he listens to. He is unfamiliar with anything posted here. Says he listens to “Euro Pop” which, from all I can tell of the samples he shared, is simply not music, just a lot of “sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

If a “song” has anything that even remotely resembles rap, I’m out. Just.don’t.get.it. At.all.

Carry on.

I’m with you, @ChoatieMom… Except for Hamilton… But that’s another thread. :wink:

But a lot of Hamilton is sampled from or a riff on the style of different rappers. :slight_smile:

^^ Have quite a few eighth grade students who are mesmerized by Hamilton . . . it’s a very good resource for history teachers like me. Our family fling this vacation was a drive up to NYC to see Sutton Foster in “Sweet Charity”. Yes, the “hope” is taken out of this re-telling of a Sixties collaboration by Neil Simon, Bob Fosse and his wife, but the intimate theater space made the performances all the more thrilling. Both kids got direct eye contact with Ms. Foster, a theater first for them. Living within striking distance of Philadelphia and New York has really affected where our splurge dollars are directed, and encouraged our kids to continue with music, dance and singing in their own choices. ~O)

I learned and re-learned a good bit of American history listening to Hamilton over the holidays. My son joked that he was going to use the sound track to study for his US History mid-term…hopefully he will also use his notes - lol!

Just got around to watching “Sicario” (same director as “Arrival”). Wow.

By the same author, I just finished Britt-Marie Was Here; not quite as good, but I still recommend

Ove was great. Back to music for a sec. I have been re-listening to Eva Cassidy. Do you know her? Among the most beautiful voices that I’ve ever heard. https://youtu.be/bXU219b3Zdw

Speaking of music, Lin-Manuel Miranda has made a Spotify playlist that is pretty awesome:

@ThacherParent : I’ve been an Eva Cassidy fan for a very long time. What a beautiful, ethereal voice. Imagine what she might have done had she not left us so soon…

SO happy to have my kid home for the " winter weekend break"… And she’s really happy to sleep in ( and in her own bed) for a few days. Last night we went to see “Lion”… Such a powerful, moving film. Went out for a great late dinner after. I really want to see “Hidden Figures”, but since her entire school just saw it, I’ll have to wait till next week and go with someone else! We’ve had some really great conversations, and I am just loving having her home.

@cameo43, I have one of mine home…the other is in “hell week” for the school musical (and hell week isn’t an exaggeration: 14-hour rehearsal yesterday!). That doesn’t really fit the miscellaneous ramblings theme, except that anything fits the miscellaneous ramblings theme.

And this amazing moment by the Boss. https://youtu.be/L-Ds-FXGGQg

I’m sorry, but I can’t imagine M10 without Bad Kitty.

Think about the children.

PhotoMom: A little bird told me that your favorite feline will reappear soon. :wink:

I’m delighted @photographermom came back for the season and am glad to see some action here. I love the phrase “sorry sons of privilege”; must find ways to use it. :slight_smile:

Anyone ever had to change an airline ticket? Spring break starts 3/2, so I had to buy the tickets, but unsure if he needs to return on 14 or 21. (Baseball) It seemed, from reading online, that it would be pretty easy to change, so I took a gamble and picked one of the dates.

@gusmom2000 Ticket changes can be easy or impossible, cheap or outrageous. It all depends on the specific fare code and applicable restrictions for said code. You can usually find it in the “fine print” at the bottom of the receipt.

As an FYI (to you or future ticket purchasers) - some airlines allow you to hold the ticket for 24 hours (American is excellent about this) which might give you the time you need to email the coach or Athletic Director for confirmation of dates.

As an aside, I find it annoying that schools do not tell you dates etc for this type of thing WAY in advance. I think they forget that prices go up the longer you wait. But, I digress. :slight_smile:

If you can, use Southwest (SWA). There’s no cost for ticket changes and you only pay the difference if it is higher. Sometimes it is lower, too which means you’ll have a credit to use for 1 year from the time of purchase. American (AA), United, etc. charge for change fees plus the higher fare (usually not lower). Another issue is for them to fly un-accompanied. AA used to be 14 and older could fly un-accompanied. Now it’s 16 which is a pain. Same with Delta and United. They now want to charge $150 each way. Thankfully, SWA is still 14 and all you have to do is put your name in as the parent. Agree on the schools/coaches not giving the advance dates. A real pain and during Spring Break can cost $$. Still dealing with this for Spring Break for K2 after 4 years with K1.