Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I worked until super late last night and I am so tired… so tired that I see the turtle. I’ve been waiting years for this moment! @-)

@cameo43 That calls for another round :smiley:

I haven’t brewed beer since my Botany class at UW 20ish years ago.

My bro in law gifted me a Mr. Beer kit for Christmas and I made the wort, added water and yeast, and put it into the keg to ferment for three weeks… three weeks ago.

Amazon is delivering my bottles today (they’d better! their shipping is expensive, and no i don’t want to try Prime for free: i’ll forget to cancel it and end up paying $11 per month for a year before remembering to cancel it, memory triggered by someone else’s conversational missive that I’ll overhear. Self-flagellation would follow for days…) so I retrieved the fermenting keg from its coat closet home. I had to try it, so i opened up the tap.


Now, when those bottles arrive, i’ll fill them, add a carbonation drop (or sugar, if i run out of drops), cap them, and put them back into the dark, cool coat closet for another three weeks to condition… at which point, they’ll be ready to unleash upon the world.

I just wanted to try the flat version to test the flavor. It’s yummy.

Bears and turtles alike would like it.

(it’s an IPA – wonderfully hoppy/flavorful)

How… did we get here? OMG.

Am currently dancing around my hotel room to the theme from CHiPs. Hows that for a Miscellaneous Rambling!?!

I’ve been nearly inert all day after touring colleges the past few days, driving too much and getting insufficient sleep in the cheap hotels that boarding school tuition condemns me to. Major pastimes have included CC, playing games on my phone, and watching Sherlock with my son.

Video or it didn’t happen, @SevenDad. :wink:

How are the tours going, @twinsmama?

Priceline was my friend for college tour hotel booking.

@doschicos , this was the first driving-to-seriously-look-at-colleges trip, although we’ve visited several that are local or nearly so. One really useful thing I got from it was the sense that I had been getting pretty accurate impressions of colleges from the Fiske Guide and my gleanings on CC. Both kids liked most of the colleges we visited, so I feel like we are on the right track.

Yes, as a family having gone through the process twice, we all felt the Fiske Guide is pretty spot on.

Priceline, Express Deals, and Southwest…

One refreshing surprise of having both kiddos at schools in the south - wow hotel and food prices are surprisingly reasonable outside of my NYC metro bubble!

Regarding the CHiPs theme dancing…totally true story. We are in the Big Bear/Lake Arrowhead area of CA for a family wedding and after spotting the local CHiPs station, my wife and I were like “Can you imagine there was a show based on the motorcycle police? What were the plots? ‘Ponch has to stop runaway tractor-trailer using only his motorcycle?’” Then the theme song came up…so of course I had to google it to confirm that it did in fact contain a “waka-waka” guitar sound, and that 4 note scale thing.

Saving everybody time:

You rock @SevenDad !

DD did Orientation Adventure at Big Bear Lake last summer @Pomona. Other OA’s included Surfing at Santa Monica Pier, Backpacking at Yosemite and Volunteering in the city of Los Angeles.

I saw a surprising number of surfboards on top of vehicles up here…surprising because there are still ski resorts open.

Pomona College just had its annual infamous ski-beach day 3/4/3027. For $40 students can spend the morning skiing and snowboarding at Mountain High Ski Resort, in the San Gabriel Mountains, followed by an afternoon swimming and beach sports at Newport Beach followed by a nighttime bonfire. ^^^^I think you witnessed ski-beach living :slight_smile:

Sign me up :slight_smile:

Because shows like Baywatch were so plot heavy??

I wonder if @SevenDad will be first in line for the CHiPs movie which opens in 13 days? :slight_smile:

THank goodness you included the link, @SevenDad – I never would have remembered that song. Pretty boring opening credits for a TV series! But brought back memories! Did you know that LArry Wilcox, the actor who played Jon, was a young Marine in Vietnam prior to his acting career?

I want to see that dancing video, too! I double dare you!

“I saw a surprising number of surfboards on top of vehicles up here…surprising because there are still ski resorts open.”

Surfers will go out whenever the conditions warrant. I’ve seen them out during Nor’easters in northern New England. They are a hardy bunch.