Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I’m currently feeling accomplished for emerging from a fundraising auction having sacrificed only GoatDad’s sobriety rather than GK2’s tuition.

For no reason at all, the CHiPs link made me look up Moonlighting theme song
Rambling on…

My favorite sing-along was Greatest American Hero…oh how the world has changed!


Ummm…Gilligan’s Island, anyone?

I know it’s just an hour, but the “spring ahead” deal always makes me feel sleep deprived. And crabby.

Bad Kitty can’t wait for the inevitable posts from kids saying " I got accepted to Exteter, Hotchkiss and Choate! I don’t really know anything about these schools. Can someone tell me about them? WHich one should I choose?"


Hi guys - back from golf - wish you were all here but stay close to the fire up there & enjoy reading those “inevitable posts” that @cameo43 is talking about!

SO not fair, @Golfgr8:frowning:

Just dropped off both girls plus an auxiliary boyfriend at the airport for their trips back to schools. And I forgot to give the 15 year old any money so she may miss both lunch and dinner. Absolutely hate sending them back. Super crabby now. :((

hugs to you @chemmchimney !!

For fun, switch tunes/lyrics with Amazing Grace. Funny in both directions.

“Auxiliary boyfriend” is cracking me up, but it does suck to see them go, every time. CC hugs to you!

I’m not ready for an auxiliary anything!!! X_X

Reminds me of a friend, who said after meeting her son’s GF and being less than impressed, “Well, she’d be okay asa starter wife.”

@AppleNotFar - Believe it or not, I’m walking on air…

@london203 I never thought I could feel so free…

@AppleNotFar @london203 We sang The Greatest American Hero song in school chorus! LOL

Wasn’t the star of that show also Carrie’s prom date?

My Old Fashioned recipe is one part mix to four parts Maker’s Mark (tonight’s bourbon, anyway). Could that be right? Regardless, check out the Bittermilk handcrafted cocktail mixers, out of Charleston, SC. (Town got it right with Colbert and mixers, anyway.)

And congratulations to all those who feel that progress is being made these March days in the lives of their kiddies, whatever admissions front is being stormed (; Apparently, a certain Golf is Gr8 family hardly needs this rhetorical juice, the cocktails are just a clubhouse away.

Bittermilk mixers are the best!! :slight_smile:

old Fashion Gibson : cold Kettle One vodka with ice, bit of onion juice, splash of celery juice - over ice well shaken- strain into chilled martini glass -garnish with pearl cocktail onions.