Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

If it’s UF, they had > 35,000 applications this year!!! But PM me if you want info on the FL schools.

thanks @Golfgr8 ! I’ll have to take a rain check for a bit though as I’ve been pointedly told by DH that I’m to cool my jets on the college search for the time being. But it’s never too early to plant seeds… :slight_smile:

I love your blue apple, @AppleNotFar !!

Beats the heck out of my turtle…

thanks @PhotographerMom! Don’t knock the turtle though, it has become iconic, especially at our virtual bar :slight_smile:

On a recent flight, i watched this great documentary “Keepers of the Game” about an all-Native American girls lacrosse team. It’s also on Netflix. I highly recommend it to all.

In googling what happened to the girls in the film (shot during 2015 season) I saw that three ended up at NMH! Happy for NMH (and the kids) but sort of sad for their public school team.

Thanks @SevenDad for sharing! As a parent of a Lax gal , I can tell you it is wonderful to have her team watch the film. How fortune for NMH to have some of these inspiring & strong young women at their school!

Here’s a link to a trailer:

The Lazore girls (at NMH) are two of the featured players and look like the real deal to me…

Hi Golfgr8. My computer skills and my proficiency at CC searching is severally lacking. I see that you too are from Florida. Our DD will be entering BS as a sophomore. Do you mind revealing which schools are still in the running for your daughter? I, of course, do not know how to PM.

There is a tournament in FL each year with NA HS players- boys who are keeping up the traditions. For you lacrosse parents out there, we attended an event with the Thompson brothers. The kids loved it! Very inspirational & very educational for everyone. Hope your kids can see them play or hear one of them speak. Check out The Medicine game video @ the brothers. Great to watch as a family or a team.

NMH has a very long history of native american students.

“The schools enrolled students from all races and ethnicities; 16 Native Americans were among the first 100 students at Northfield, and Mount Hermon’s first graduates included a former slave as well as students from China, Sweden, England, Ireland, Canada, and Japan. NMH maintains this commitment to diversity, with students of color making up 20 percent of the student body and 23 percent coming from other countries.”

@doschicos: And yet, NMH fails to make “the cut” for so many prospective applicants year after years. Sigh.

NMH has long been a favorite of kids whose parents work for the foreign service, and for decades, they have attracted kids who have very broad world views because they have lived all over the world. There are so many schools out there that have terrific reputations in the independent school world that are virtually unknown on the cocktail party circuit…

The cocktail party circuit appears to be very ignorant.

Or you’re going to the wrong parties. :wink:

NMH also has always done well with families with careers in the arts - writers, actors, and such. It has a slightly more bohemian, less preppy vibe.

Yes, @doschicos. Didn’t Uma Thurman go there?

@ChoatieMom, clearly, you’re tight. Unless it’s a cocktail parties with diplomats. Particularly the ones who have just been assigned to unsafe places and who are asking about stateside options for their kids…

And Laura Linney… And a distant step-cousin of mine who got kicked out for either drugs or obsessively playing Dungeons & Dragons, depending on which relative you ask…

I was hoping it wasn’t obvious.

@PhotographerMom … the turtle is the best! Embrace the turtle!

In Delaware, St. Andrew’s has also long been a haven for children of diplomats (like NMH). The son of the current U.S. ambassador to Iraq graduated last year. The current chairman of the board of trustees is an alumnus whose parents were in the Foreign Service when he attended in the early 1980s. Middletown is not all that far from Washington D.C. and every other year the entire school decamps to the capital for an entire day, hosted by alumni and friends of the school at various work sites around the city.