Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Green beer and rowdy Irish bands… Oh, to be young again. :slight_smile:

Hoisting a pint. :slight_smile:

My kids’ Spring Breaks do not align this year, so we drove down to visit 7D1 today, before 7D2’s break is over. I’m sharing all of this with you because I am a firm believer in colleges with their own creamery/ice cream shop. For those in the HS class of 2018…make sure to add that to your search criteria.

That would narrow the list down a bit. :wink:

What flavor did you go for, @SevenDad?

I split a double dip between Cinnamon Toast Crunchie (I love the cereal and my wife alerted me to this flavor on the board) and Peanut Cocoa-Loco.


There was a long line today at UD Creamery…a multi-school ice skating tournament must have just ended…

To change the subject again…will Arkansas knock off UNC!?!

I was bummed when I went back to Dartmouth and found they closed the Ben & Jerry’s…cinnamon was my staple!

A visit from my Aussie BIL coincided with DC’s break. He’s quite pleased that Leishman won the Arnold Palmer Invitational. We are helping him celebrate with a tasting of Suerte tequila. Our fave: a very limey Mexican mule made with the reposado.

I’d also like to share the recipe for the spring-break-in-Florida cocktail I discovered at the hotel bar: The Beekeeper–Palm Ridge small batch Florida whiskey, fresh lemon juice, honey from World Central Kitchen (interesting story there), and orange ginger bitters. Delish.

I’m going to DESPERATLEY miss DC who leaves tomorrow!

@buuzn03: Coincidentally, the Dartmouth ice skating team was one of the groups in line today!

Regarding the basketball game…UNC won a close one.

Long time since last time visited this thread… What is UD? @SevenDad The college your daughter is attending?

Yes. She is a Chem E. major at University of Delaware.

Because of the Ag school Cornell had the best ice cream. So many flavors. Butter pecan was my favorite. Each “hoodsie” cup had a picture of our Bell Tower. Thems were the days. Anyone know if they still have that great ice cream? At Pomona, dear daughter has FroYo at Frary Dining. Not the same.

Cornell did have a creamery when we visited for 7D1 a few years ago…

They have really, really good ice cream.

When visiting Dartmouth, you should visit https://www.moranogelato.com/home

At UD, I would have been all over the All Nighter and the Holy Fluffernutter.

Ice cream discussions > basketball discussions. :slight_smile:

FYI @sadieshadow … I just realized your pic is not an owl…lol. Between you and @PhotographerMom 's turtle, I may need to see an ophthalmologist! :))

Yes, @buuzn03 , cinnamon ice cream on a warm slice of apple pie!

@SevenDad - just when I thought we were down with college tours you have to go and add schools to our list ; ) BTW - Appalachian State has their own micro-brewery lab on campus for students majoring in Fermentology Science.

Back in the day, UVM had excellent ice cream from its dairy (no surprise: the maple walnut was amazing). No idea it they still do that…

Cornell has a bee keeping course at the Ag College open to everyone. You get to sample lots of different kinds of comb honey. Delish.

We went back to visit UD multiple times. It was so hard not to factor in the ice cream and the donuts when picking schools!