I overslept, well my alarm didn’t go off, so I woke up 10 minutes after my class started (you dont get credit if you`re more than 5 minutes late). I emailed my professor because I started panicking and he said to fill out the make up form but only if I have a valid excuse. The syllabus says only valid university approved absences can make up a lab. I never missed a lab before, this was my first time. I dont know what to do because oversleeping is not a valid excuse and I do not really want to lie (which Im pretty sure I cant do anyway because they probably look into whether Im telling the truth). The only reason Im really tripping over this is because the lab is 10% of my grade, and right now I have a 9.8 and if I get a zero for one lab it goes down to 9.2, and I do not want to recklessly throw away points. any advice?
Did you go to lab when you realized you were 10 mins late?
They wouldnt have let me in, theres a 5 minute allowance after the start of class. Ive seen other students turned back before.
Then you’re out of luck. Tough lesson to learn but that’s still like an A-.
Agreed. Generally, this is spelled out very clearly on the syllabus. Labs are space-limited, so at most colleges, making up a lab is not an option. Live and learn.
Seems like a reasonable penalty. Sounds like it amounts to about one percent of your overall course grade, if I am understanding it.
a little less than 1% but I feel like it still counts, oh well, I cant do anything about it.