Missed Honors College Application Deadline Possibly Because of Daylight Saving Time

I am so frustrated- just found that my honors college application deadline was already passed when I tried to submit it at 11:00 PM CST. I tried to research and believed that it was because of Daylight Saving Time; the actual time in Madison is 12:00 not 11:00. I lived in Southeast Asia so I never heard of it before. I also thought that CST stated Central Standard Time, which is different from DST: Daylight Saving Time. I am so sad and disappointed. I don’t know what to do…

Contact admissions via email and explain that you don’t live in the US and weren’t aware of the daylight savings time change, so missed the deadline. Ask if you can please submit late, and how to do that. They may give you a break.

If the answer is no, apply for L&S Honors next year. It’s not only for freshmen.

Hopefully you can still get your application in. Or, if unable to join now apply for second semester. If there are Honors classes you want first semester be sure to discuss with your advisor at SOAR- it may be possible to take them. Missing any “perks” will not harm you. Once you get to Madison you will be able to talk to people in person and not just face computers. The Honors Program is fantastic- in my day and currently. Many excellent courses.

Sometimes the smartest people delay- my gifted son put in one college application by the deadline- “California time”, 2 hours later than our time a decade ago- up extra late on a school night, sigh. 16 year old logic, sigh. Plus he really did not want that school it turns out.

Let this be a lesson to you to not procrastinate and get things done well before deadlines. You will get plenty of practice in figuring out the huge time zone differences as well. It will be the same daylight savings time into November so you now have the same time difference well into your school start. My Indian inlaws used to call in the middle of the night, especially decades ago when they had no phone and had to use a commercial service available during business hours (and wanted to be sure we were home).