Missing academic letter of rec

Hi, My teacher submitted her letter of recommendation through the common app, and I did submit by the deadline. I can see that it is submitted on the common app. Yet, in my UW portal, it says that the letter of academic recommendation is missing. Am I screwed? I am calling in the morning

I checked. It even says “downloaded” by the school in common app. Is this a processing issue or what?

@uwmadhopeful My son noticed the same thing last week and called them. They told him that it was in a holding/processing email group or something like that and that as long as it shows submitted it was fine. They told him it would take about 10 days for it to catch up with his application. Good luck!

Thank you so much. You have helped a lot with my stress.

I agree it’s a processing thing. It doesn’t hurt to call or e-mail if you’re nervous or unsure. But we found it took a while for stuff to get marked as received.