MIT Admissions Fall 2022

MIT applicants for Fall 2022 – here’s your thread to post questions, comments or admissions stats and updates.

How do your stats compare to students admitted last year? Check out the chart below and then share your stats, activities and more.

MIT 2021 Admitted Student Statistics
Admitted Students in Top 10% of Graduating Class 100%
Admissions Test Policy Test scores are considered and required
Applicants Submitting SATs 77%
Applicants Submitting ACTs 42%
Waitlist Yes

A Note on Admissions Data: We get our data from Peterson’s. If any of the data seems off, this wiki-post allows registered CC members to edit, update, or add relevant info, like important dates, deadlines and admissions statistics. If you have different info from a reputable source, feel free to update this post. To make changes, just click Edit in the lower right corner.

To learn more about academics, student life, tuition and aid, or admissions at MIT, visit their school profile on CC College Search.

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Have the interview emails started to roll by for fall 2022 applicants?

My son completed his interview last week.
He applied EA.

All the best! When did he apply?
My son applied 10/15, have not heard anything about interview. Don’t know if that carries negative connotation.

My daughter did her interview last week. She applied EA.

All the best! When did she apply? I am trying to estimate how long it takes from application to interview, is it a few weeks, or a few days.

I think it’s the availability of alums in your area.
Son applied 10/30 and the alum emailed him on 10/31.
The alum lives in our small suburb Boston town.

I just checked, she applied on 10/24 and received a request the next day from a local alum. We live in Texas.

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My daughter’s invite came around 10/15, a week after she applied. Her interview is on Thursday.

thank you, and all the best!

Did you reach out to the admissions? I would definitely do it at this point. If they can’t offer an interview, it’s going to get waived in your son’s application. Mine applied on 10/12 heard back on 10/15, had her interview on 10/23. It totally depends on the alum availability per se.

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FYI if it helps, I just posted this in the EA thread (we’re in California):

As advitha recommended, you may want to nudge your son to contact admissions to request an interview. Hopefully they’ll have someone available and, if not, at least he will have tried (and like the others said, they won’t hold it against him if he didn’t get the chance). Good luck!

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Thank you Advitha and Christine, we will call them today. Will post here the findings.

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Others had suggested to me earlier to just email them to inquire at the address listed in the Interview section:

Good luck!

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Called them, at the admissions help line. They said just sit tight, they would reach out. Seemed like a standard answer, they didn’t check specific account or anything. We are located near Princeton, NJ so availability of alumni nearby shouldn’t be an issue. Will try the email as you suggested.

I know MIT is inundated right now with emails but my son submitted EA app 10/31. Haven’t been contacted about interview yet. Think he should reach out to interview@mit? Live in small town SC, not sure if alumni are in the area. Would he be interviewed by another location since it’s virtual anyway? (Posting here and another thread, sorry for duplicate)

that makes two of us. Don’t know what’s happening. Our EA application was sent 10/15, and creative portfolio on 10/30

BTW, which other thread? I would like to join that too, thank you.

This is the other thread