MIT Admissions Fall 2022

It was 2 minutes, not 2 hours. You can certainly fault them for not over communicating that the deadline was Eastern time not local time and for a bad management decision for pulling the plug at 1158 EST. But it was not a programming error. :grin:

Regardless, let’s move on.

Would you mind linking that reddit thread so i can read it?

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Well, my kid has it and 100% certain he is not going to get in lol


OK reading through the thread I see it isn’t the button in the upper right you are referring to. Nope, do not have it after all

is this award thing only for people who applied for aid?

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Regular Action admissions decisions will be released on Monday, March 14, at 6:28 PM Eastern Time.


Yes Pi-day Tau time is their usual RD release.


Rejection time


Rejection is almost certain.

Have no idea how to feel honestly. Rejection is the most statistically probable outcome but being pessimistic sucks. Being optimistic fills me with false hope and the odds are stacked against anyone🥲goodluck to you all - i hope you all get the news you want next Monday!


just act like you have already been rejected lol and live happy


Just looking forward to the relief of a conclusion (from all RD/deferred colleges)
(but then there’s the possible WAITLIST - ugh!).

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Wait-list is not the outcome that you want.

MIT is a great experience and opportunity. I am grateful that I was able go go there. But there are many other good colleges. Remember that it is not the 4 years in college that define your career but the 40 years after.

Be positive and make the most of your opportunities. Good luck to all.


Getting rejected anyway


Some people go thru life with a glass half empty viewpoint. I, personally, don’t always want to be around these people. “Debbie Downers” are what some people call them. I prefer to be around people with positive attitudes. Much more fun to be around.

As an engineering manager I had to deal with all types of people working for me. Some would come to my office to report a problem and then just sit there, waiting for me to give them direction. Others, even though they were there to report bad news, had a positive attitude. They would also, more often than not, have a potential solution or two to present. They viewed the bad news as a challenge to dig right in and fix it.

I viewed the people that came with solutions as my best employees. As the company was on a “pay for performance” system, meaning raises were not all equal, the ones that figured out how to fix the problem got the bigger pay raises. They also got the better assignments as I knew I could count on them to fix problems as they came up, which they would sometimes. Those that just dumped the problem on my lap got the more trivial assignments and much less money.

Go thru life with a positive attitude and you’ll be much happier and more successful.


<< ### Important note: Don’t worry—your application status page is working! As we approach the decision release date, we’ve turned off the checklist feature. >>